A – Senior 2014

I have known this young lady for quite a while and it has been a privilege to watch her “grow up”.  She is super smart, outgoing, enjoys kiddos and shares my love of photography!  🙂  When I was thinking about her session I couldn’t resist bringing along an old camera in case she would be game to use it – she was!  I love how those shots turned out!  Anyway, we started out in the pasture at her house – her “Enchanted Forest” – isn’t it pretty?

Would you have ever guessed that she had to go through this thick stuff to get to the “Enchanted Forest” or that we would have ridden in this Gator to get where we wanted to go?  What fun memories – and A handled it all with ease, even in a formal!  🙂  I, on the other hand, let out a scream when A drove straight through an evergreen tree line – and I am not a screamer!  She knew the path went straight through that area, I did not!  What a crazy time!

We stopped the Gator along the way and took the above shots in the field…love how her dog tagged along.

A’s family was a great help as we worked with her horse.  They had everything ready and waiting when we arrived at the “grove” area.  Her horse was so laid back…we had to go out of our way to get him to perk up his ears.  🙂  We definitely got some great shots of these two together in honor of the many hours and days spent with him through the years!

We stopped at this field and road (with the camera) on our way to another location.

We made our way to this bridge where A has great memories of throwing rock and sticks down into the water with family and friends.  Then we worked around a family farmstead…so many neat places to work – loved that area!

A, thanks for asking me to take your Senior pictures!  I had a great time with you (even if you made me scream!) and sure hope you are enjoying every moment of your Senior year!  🙂

The H Family

After playing some phone tag I was able to visit with the H family, hear what they desired in their pictures and check into some options for them!  Between their involvement with cattle, liking old barns and being drawn to large wagon wheels, a friends location came to mind.  Thankfully, the D Family was willing to let us come out to their place to capture these shots – thank you!  🙂

I had such a great time getting to know these four as we rotated areas around the D Family Farm.  Their kiddos were full of personality and cooperated so well – loved having them in front of my camera!  I was also super neat to discover a history and love of photography within this family…it is always fun to talk pictures, equipment and share experiences!

Here is a look at what we caught during our time together:

When the H Family mentioned liking barns a specific one came to mind that I have always wanted to include in pictures.  After making a few phone calls, the L Family granted permission (thank you!) to stop by this location and snap these images.  🙂

H Family, it was wonderful to meet and spend time with each one of you!  I sure hope you enjoy your pictures for years to come!

D – Senior 2014

This young lady and I have known and worked with each other for several years…I can honestly say her Senior year “snuck up” on me!  It is hard to believe she will be moving on to the next stage of life next Fall and our paths will no longer routinely cross. Needless to say, I will miss her!

Through the years D and I had talked about the possibility of me “one day” taking her Senior pictures but nothing was ever solidified.  Therefore, I was thrilled when D and her Mom officially asked me to take her Senior pictures – YEA!!  🙂  The camera loves her and the locations chosen were just perfect for what she desired!  We broke her session into two seasons: Summer and Fall, you will see both in this post.

Her Summer session was held at a Family Farm…lot of sweet memories for her around this place!

Although we had a great time during D’s Summer session, it was pretty warm and we were both parched and hot by the time we wrapped up!  (So glad I brought that bottled water!!!)  The weather for D’s Fall session ended up being just perfect!  We hit some places I love based on the look she wanted in her Fall pictures!  Just can’t go wrong with such a lovely individual!  So glad her Mom was willing to pop into a few of the Fall shots as well – sweet memories for the two of them!  🙂

I know, there are a ton of pictures…sorry!  I seem to have such a hard time narrowing down which images to share, especially when there are so many awesome pictures of such a wonderful person!

D, I am excited about all your future holds!  Praying for you as you follow God’s lead, one step at a time!

N is 3!

Meet Miss N!  Isn’t she the cutest?!?  I cannot get over her curls!  Definitely reminds me of Shirley Temple and left me wanting to go home and watch The Little Princess!  🙂

N’s Mom thought it would be fun to capture some pictures of N in her backyard, where she plays and spends quite a bit of time.  So, we set up some spots around their yard (which was super spacious and had a LOT to work with) and began to play with N!  Talk about fun!  We caught some sweet shots of her.

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!!!

N spends quite a bit of time with her dog, so it was very fitting to take some pictures of them together!  I think it is awesome that N’s parents are teaching her how to work with their family pet…N could tell her to sit and be gentle when taking the treat!

The last pictures of N with her dog makes me think the can is empty and N is looking into the very bottom to make sure there are not any crumbs left while her dog is super disappointed nothing more is coming her way!  🙂

We took a quick walk and came across these mushrooms…wait, another treat?  On the mushroom?  🙂

N and her Mom.

A few last shots to wrap up her session:

I sure enjoyed working with N and her Mom…thanks, you two, for such a fun session!

C (7months) and His Family

It sure was nice to meet C and his family!  We connected to take pictures in honor of the midway point in C’s first year!  We caught some sweet pictures to document this fun and cute stage of life, along with some family pictures too!  🙂  C’s big brother sure is a neat guy…I bet the two of them are going to grow up and be best buds!  Thanks, C Family, for asking me to take pictures for you – I loved every minute!

Sweet memories for this family of this time in their lives!