The H Family

It has been super neat to be a small part of this family’s life and to watch events unfold for them over time! All three of them have a special place in my heart and I am honored that they wanted me to take pictures of them as a family, documenting this special time in their lives!  Isn’t their daughter the cutest?!  What a sweetheart she is!  We connected and worked our way around a small town and the countryside, capturing some fun and sweet memories!

All my best to each one of you!  🙂

The N Family {sneak peek}

The N Family session has been on the books for a while and talked about for even longer than that!  It was super cool to watch everything come together and to see the end results of all the planning and preparing!  There were so many sweet memories made during my time with them, I don’t think I will ever forget this session!  🙂  Celebrating 35 years of marriage…congratulations, R and J!!!!  Thanks for asking me to lock in these memories for you!  🙂