Distractions! They are Everywhere!

I love working outdoors, in the garden and in the flower beds.  Yet, I find that it takes me quite a while to make any progress when pulling weeds, trimming back that which is done blooming, etc…  Why is this?  Well, just take a peek at the following pictures!

Who wouldn’t be distracted by all the colors, textures and beauty right at eye level?!?  🙂

Then there are all the little critters that emerge when their habitat is disturbed:

Yes, all of these things are distracting as I attempt to keep up with flower beds and the garden, but I find them amazing and am willing to delay the end result in order to capture the little details I am blessed to see!

Here is to enjoying the process of accomplishing a task!  🙂

The M Family

As I prepared the pictures for this post I was reminded of something…I get to meet some of the most wonderful people through this “on-the-side” job of photography!

The M family was no exception!  I simply LOVED getting to meet them and feel like I grew to know them a little throughout our time together!  Every life is unique and special…hearing of the journey that brought them to our area was encouraging and hanging out with them during their session was so much fun!  Just in case you cannot tell by looking at their pictures, they just adore their son!  I think their interaction with him captured through pictures is priceless!  What a happy, little guy he was throughout the whole session!

All of these pictures were taken around their farm…it had so much to work with!  I loved how they wanted their tractor in some of the pictures…it has been in the family for quite a few years!

We also took some pictures of this handsome, happy little guy in honor of his first birthday!  The truck you see is one A hopes to work on with his son one day…

A beautiful lady who doesn’t mind helping out around the farm – you go, P!

He is going to be a great helper one day!  🙂

BTW, I learned some great info about protective chaps that can be worn when using a chainsaw…I plan to look into some for our family!  🙂

They had the perfect spot for a sunset picture with their tractor and implement!

Thank you, M Family, for asking me to take pictures for you!  I loved every minute!

The N Kiddos – In Honor of Easter

It seems a bit odd to be posting about Easter pictures when we celebrated the 4th of July yesterday.  Obviously, I am behind on blogging and, while I wish that was not the case, I AM excited about sharing more from my session with these three, adorable kiddos!

As the Mom of this trio and I planned their session we landed on some fun ideas to represent the holiday: baby chicks, Easter decor, tulips, basket and eggs, we even managed to throw in a John Deere something.  🙂

The kids and I had a blast roaming from station to station checking out and playing with the next thing.  I hope they will look back on these pictures with fond memories in years to come!

The three, fun, N kiddos:

Here are a few of an older kiddo with the youngest:

The “one smart cookie” oldest:

The “bundle of energy” middle guy:

The “cute as a button” youngest:

Little Miss A changed clothes and posed for a few shots in honor of being 18 months old!  🙂  What a sweetie!

Senior 2014 – K {sneak peek}

It was so much fun to connect with K and her Mom the other evening.  We spent most of our time in her family’s wheat field but stopped at various spots and took some more pictures as we simply walked down the road.  K is a lovely, young lady and we had such great light to work with…sure made for some amazing pictures!  K – I hope you have a wonderful Senior year!

Enjoy looking at this preview from her time in front of the camera!