From 2 to 3 – The S Family

My excitement grew very quickly as L and I talked through the details of her maternity session.  She had some wonderful ideas but was letting me choose their locations based upon the style she desired in her photos.  The anticipation and excitement over their first baby was tangible and when we met face to face their love for each other was obvious.  It made me smile inside and out to watch them walk from spot to spot holding hands.  🙂  Super sweet.  Their little one was already surrounded by love and he didn’t even realize it yet!  Yes, they were having a boy!!!!  They shared of how he was such an answer to prayer and were looking forward to meeting him.  🙂  Since this session, he has arrived and they daily get to hold him and enjoy him!

Congratulations, L and C!!!!

The L Family

The L Family contacted me about taking their pictures during one of their trips to visit family in the area.  Between their schedule and mine, it worked well to do so over the Thanksgiving holiday.  After communicating through e-mails and by phone, it was great to meet this family of three face to face and work with them!  They were naturals in front of the camera, interacting casually and lovingly as I snapped away.  I loved documenting their love for each other and their adorable, little guy’s cuteness!

We started in an older part of their town, made our way past an historic hotel, enjoyed some time at the park and ended with a fun idea: Christmas Lights!  Be sure to scroll all the way through so you can see some fun expressions, a “high flying act”, Christmas lights and eventually an amazing sunset!

I also appreciated the Christmas Card the L Family sent me!  It was awesome to see one of the ways they used their pictures.  🙂  Thanks again for entrusting me with your memories, L Family!

On my drive home from this session I had a front row seat as the sun set.  The ripple of colors was so amazing that I stopped twice along the way to take some pictures.  I love seeing the artistry of God in such a dramatic way!  Simply astounding!



I have a stash of pictures building up in a file of things that have stood out to me as I have been living life with my family!  Big or small, these things caught my attention for one reason or another and I wanted to share them!  You will see everything from food and kids to fun and unique…I hope you enjoy looking through this random set of pictures.  🙂  Have a wonderful day!

Beautiful S {sneak peek}

I had such a great time with this creative and fun young lady the other day!  We could not have asked for better weather or locations in which to capture her at this stage in her life!  Here is a little peek at how we spent our time…I can’t wait to blog about her session when the time comes to do so!  🙂  Enjoy!