Celebrating 1 Full Year – Little Miss A

Little Miss A has one of the sweetest dispositions ever!  She is so easy going and generous with her smiles!  It was my privilege to capture some one year pictures for her.  🙂  Her mother did a fantastic job describing what she desired in A’s pictures and made pulling together A’s outfits and props looks super easy.  Since we were working outside, I am thankful to add that the weather was very pleasant and even the breeze did not hinder out end results.  🙂

I simply love all we captured in honor of A’s first year of life!  🙂

The A Family

I am loving the fact that, though it is winter right now and all is bare, cold and white today, I am taken back in time through these pictures.  All the Fall colors bring a deep sigh to my soul…I love Fall.  Just seeing the amazing display of God’s creativity through such a colorful setting with such a great family is refreshing!  🙂

I have had the privilege of photographing this family in the past and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to do so again!  It is especially fun for me to see how the kids are changing and to hear stories about things going on in their lives!  This Mom and Dad were also good sports as we came up with some fun pictures of them with their kiddos.

I am going to post their family photos in this entry, but couple and kiddo pictures will be found within those categories.  🙂

Loved getting to work with you again, A Family!  Thanks for entrusting me with your memories.

Be sure to check out more pictures from this session in Couples and Kiddos!

A Kiddos {from the A Family Session}

I had such a great time with these three kiddos!  As I mentioned in their family session intro, I have had the privilege of photographing them before and was honored to do so again.  I especially loved getting to see how much each of them have changed and hearing stories of what they have been up to as of late.  While some kids take a while to warm up, others just jump right in and visit easily.  Both aspects were represented within this threesome…how individual are personalities!  🙂  All of these photos were taken as we roamed from one spot to another during their family session.

C – Senior 2013

When I work with Seniors, often their parents are involved one way or another.  I love that!  I love the memories they make together preparing and planning for the senior session along with the laughs that occur while I am there.  🙂  Life is short, time moves forward and a senior year flies by…all too soon that senior is off to the next thing in life.  Finding a way to treasure the moments given is a challenge to all parents, no matter the age of the children.  Even more so as you look at graduation and what that means for your son or daughter.

That said, I loved the locations and attire C and his Mom chose.  In fact, the locations they decided upon offered so much that we were not able to make it to all of them!  From shots with C’s truck, to those with his ATV and “The Station”, could you guess his interests and bents?  🙂  I loved being able to capture him amid things he enjoys!

All the best to you, C, as you enjoy the remainder of your senior year and anticipate all the future holds!