G – 2015 Grad

In keeping with the goal of updating my blog with Senior Portraits, here is another individual I had the privilege of working with the Summer of 2014.  Hard to believe he will be wrapping up his first year of college this Spring!

Meet G – one who greatly enjoys the outdoors!  You will see this reflected in his Summer and Fall Sessions!

Starting near Haddam and working in the surrounding area provided ideal spots to capture G in his element!

Hay bales and old, railroad fence posts were among the stops made en route to a pond.  Yes, a pond…just for some fishing pictures since he enjoys fishing during the Summer months!

I am so glad we could lock in some memories of G’s favorite Summer pastime, along with his main focus in the Fall – hunting!  Almost all of G’s Fall Session centered around his enjoyment of hunting!  Such a fun session!  It was a tad bit early in the season for full blown color, but we found a few pockets here and there that provided a little pop of the desired color!

The woods just seemed like an appropriate place to stop for some pictures since most of his hunting is done among all the trees!

I loved this unique addition to G’s pictures…a large buck he had taken a while back and had mounted!

I think I could have taken pictures all day of this guy, his gear, and his deer!  🙂

I loved every minute of working with G and his family!

G – Graduated 2015

Time sure flies by!  Has it really been a year and a half since this young lady was in front of my camera?!?

The calendar says it is true…sigh…such a reminder to treasure the time we have with what is before us!  (It also highlights HOW LONG it has been since I have had time to blog!!!  So sorry about that!  I am enjoying the change of being able to do so now!  I have so many wonderful Senior images to share!!!)

After visiting with G, we developed a game plan into which we incorporated the backgrounds and items she desired in her pictures – one of my favorite parts of working with others!  There is just something special about brainstorming on behalf of a client, finding ways to make their pictures personal and meaningful that is very rewarding!

I was glad G was able to bring her puppy along…what a little cutie!

We stared G’s session at an old farmstead (which I LOVE) near Haddam!  There are so many nooks, looks, and lines to work with that I can bring clients here often and have their picture look completely different each time!  It was a great spot for G!

G’s interests are broad and her achievements are great, definitely worth commemorating!

These next few pics were so fun to take as we stopped here and there through Haddam!

When I saw how her outfit matched this car, how could we not stop and snap a few memories with it?

We wrapped up G’s session while observing a sweet sunset!

Thanks for trusting me with some of your Senior memories, G!

T – Senior 2015

I am excited to share a glimpse from another Senior session taken last Summer.

Miss T chose a shorter session time so we kept her locations pretty close together to maximize her time in front of the camera and provide a variety of backgrounds for her pictures!

Isn’t she lovely?  Those eyes!!!

We started her session on an old, country road and quickly made our way over to a nearby wheat field!

I remember being highly impressed with how quickly T could change from one outfit to another as we drove from location to location.  She literally went into the car in one outfit and at our next spot emerged in another set of clothes as if she had been wearing them all along!  That takes skill!

These large bridge planks made for a sweet, complimentary backdrop as T sported her patriotic attire!

(Yes, these were taken close to July 4th!)  🙂

Incorporating our country’s flag into T’s session was also a special addition!

Loved hanging with and getting to know T and her mom a bit!  Such neat people!

R – 2015 Grad

I remember working with his guy like it was yesterday!!!

I vividly recall visiting the various properties at which he was interested in having his pictures taken – such cool places!

Like this creek…

The Limestone “walls” were amazing but the mosquitoes were thick and thriving!  🙂  Ha!

It was a super cool location, but our time there was short and sweet!

This old barn was on another piece of property and had so much to work with!

The pasture area held some picturesque areas along with a sweet cow that is special to R’s family!

In honor of R’s involvement with Ag, a nearby wheat field was the perfect place to capture some pictures in his FFA jacket!

The shot below was a team effort!  🙂

Special thanks to D, R’s mom, for holding the bottle of milk and dashing away as it was time to click the shutter!

It has been fun to cross paths with R and various events and hear how things have been going since graduation!

College life seems to agree with him!  🙂

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know R and his family and look forward to working with them again in the near future as they celebrate the accomplishments of another (upcoming) Senior!

Can’t wait!  🙂

J – 2015 Graduate

Since I am focusing on Seniors throughout 2016, I thought I would backtrack and feature Senior sessions which never made it onto the blog, working my way up to those who will graduate this May!

I recently ran into J at a local basketball game and enjoyed catching up a
bit!  Although she has had a lot going on in her life, she is doing well and enjoying her first year of college!

J was absolutely wonderful to work with!  She brought some great ideas to her session, which I had fun implementing during our time together.  She opted to do two sessions.  One during the Summer and another once Fall hit our area.  In fact, we ended up splitting her Fall session into morning and afternoon sessions since there was so much she desired to document!  I have such a hard time narrowing down which pictures to share, so bare with me!  This first set of pictures are from her Summer session.

We started in Haddam, KS and worked our way toward an old farmstead outside of town.

Along the way we stopped by a creek and caught some fun shots near and in the water.  🙂

J’s Mom made this special quilt for her…something she will probably treasure forever!

We also passed this field of “flowers”…how could we not stop?!

Finally, we reached the old farmstead.

It was the perfect place to display some of the art work J has made through her HS years as well as the perfect place to play with some paint!  🙂

I have always wanted to take some fun pictures of someone splattered with paint…just needed the right person to come along!

She rocked it well!  What a great way to end J’s first session!  So many fun memories!

NOW to her FALL session:

Part 1:  We met early in the morning and were at locations special to her.  We started out around her home.

With another stunning quilt J’s Mom made for her!

A nearby pond where her family kept some of their horses.

Another pasture, up the road and around the bend, where she has fond memories.

Part 2:  After taking a break for a few hours, we reconnected that same evening to wrap up J’s session(s).

J wanted pictures around her High School so we met there and captured more wonderful pictures of her interests and activities!

I had a blast with J and am thankful it worked out to visually lock in these memories for her!