The S Family

When asked about capturing this family during a narrow window of time in which they would all be together I prayed a lot!  Not for the reasons you may think but simply because I REALLY wanted the weather to cooperate for them!  I know how hard it is to get everyone together and I did NOT want to see the weather hinder their opportunity to lock in some memories!  🙂  Although the weather did not deter this session, it was HOT and MUGGY!  Each person had such a great attitude…I don’t think you can tell everyone was hot in the pictures.  Yet, I am thankful it worked out to stay around their farmstead so there was quick access to the house, air conditioning and water!  🙂  Plus, I have always wanted to take pictures around their place – so many neat places with texture and character!

Here are a few of the group shots taken:

Then there were the varying group shots:

Individual Families:



Taken amid the flow of pictures: 

Driving from spot to spot while “helping” Aunt M with chores is a huge perk!

Speaking of driving…I was thrilled when an offer was extended at the end of our session for me to ride in this super cool car!  You probably noticed it in a few of the pictures you have already scrolled through.  T purchased this brand new and has had it ever since.  It is in great shape!  I am glad it worked out to get some pictures of him with it!

This is a favorite for the Grandkids!

In closing, let me share with you a picture of their dogs!  The brown one is the Mama and the white one is her daughter.

 Thanks again, S Family, for asking me to take picture for you!  I enjoyed every sweaty minute!  🙂


As you will see from the pictures below, we live in one of the many locations that need rain!  The crops have not done well this year due to the lack of moisture.

When we saw these amazing clouds roll in the other day we had high hopes of a substantial amount of rain falling in our area!!!

Knowing the clouds would add so much to this sunset I ran out and snapped a few pictures – beautiful!

(Aside from adding the watermark, these sunset shots are straight out of the camera!)

Well, unfortunately, I did not have to run home after taking these pictures do to torrents of rain falling from the sky.  🙁

Where we live only had a slight amount of rainfall through the night – some is better than none!  For those who received several inches…we are envious but happy for you.  🙂

She Turned 2

It was an honor to take pictures for A and her Mother – the two of them are quite a team!  They have been through a great deal together and it is only making them stronger.  So, in addition to locking in A’s 2 year milestone, we snagged quite a few of the two of them together!  Each one of us should be grateful for the days we have together for we are not guarenteed tomorrow!

I don’t usually play a lot with actions but decided to do so with these few pictures.  I thought it added a rather timeless feel.

2 year olds are on the move constantly!  🙂

 The material for this dress came from a formal A’s Mom once wore.  A’s Grandmother worked wonders and created this little dress for her to wear.  It turned out so cute!

 We ended with a visit to see the baby goats nearby…I think she liked them.  🙂

All my best to these two, wonderful individuals!

Just Because

While busy with editing pictures, enjoying company, traveling and the grind of every day life, my camera remains active!  Here are some “just because” pictures taken as life continues to move forward.  🙂

(You may notice I have a weak spot for sunsets as you look through these random pictures.)  🙂