2016 Update and Changes

Goodness!  It was been waaaayyyy too long since I have posted anything here!

I hope to change that this year!  🙂

When I first started Shellie Baxter Photography, LLC, it was with an “as it fits into our family’s schedule” approach.  Surprisingly, the business quickly grew into more than I had ever dreamed or planned! To each of you who have brought Shellie Baxter Photography, LLC to where it is today, I say a huge THANK YOU!  Thank you for trusting me to preserve your memories through photography – it has been an honor to work with each one of you!

Yet, the time has come for me to make some changes.  I have weighed in the balance so many things, deciding that throughout 2016 I will only be booking a limited number of High School Senior sessions.  While I will miss working with so many wonderful people through all other forms of photography, this approach for 2016 will help meet the changing needs within my family, as well as provide the time desired for ongoing photography education and the pursuit of a scenery product line.  In advance, thank you for your understanding and your continued support during this year of change!

In keeping with my 2016 focus on Senior Portraits, I hope to regularly post highlights from various Senior Sessions taken throughout 2014 and 2015.  There are some wonderful images, taken in special places, representing various abilities and interests which I simply did not have time to share on this site prior to now!  I cannot wait to feature these amazing individuals in the days ahead!

For updated info on Senior Session options, go to details and click on “investment” and “your session”.

As I mentioned a bit ago, besides pursuing additional photography education, I also hope to develop a scenery product line.  You will be hearing more about this venture throughout 2016!  I am super excited about getting the many lovely images I have on hard drives (like the one below) into various forms others can enjoy!

Taken near Haddam, KS.

Looking forward to all this year holds,


Sister Duo: Scenic Roots

It was my privilege to, once again, capture images for these two as they prepared for an upcoming CD release!

In fact, I have held off blogging about their session on purpose in order to celebrate with them as they launch their newest CD: Reverie – which is happening TODAY!  I am so excited for them!

If you have not heard of Scenic Roots you can learn more about them by browsing their website: www.scenicroots.com and checking out their Facebook Page: Scenic Roots.

If you have not been to one of their concerts, I recommend going sometime!  In fact, you could do so as early as today!  They will be holding a CD release concert this afternoon, August 10th at 2:00pm, at the Brown Grand Theater in Concordia, Kansas!  Admission for this specific event is free!  If you can attend, you will enjoy hearing some of the music from their newest CD: Reverie.  If you should choose to purchase their CD, you will see some of the following images on and within the case!!!!

One of their favorite books…believe me, they have driven all over the place on their music tours!!!

It was mid November last year when we took these pictures…we were thankful to find a stash of leaves still on the ground with which we could incorporate into their session and have some fun!  🙂

Suckers and swings…adding a little fun flare to go along with a special element of their new release!

A and E, it was wonderful to work with you again!  Thanks for asking me to take pictures for newest adventure!

A – She Turned One!

In keeping with my desire to catch up on blogging…This past Winter the snow was falling hard and fast the day of A’s session.  I was unsure that her parents would be able to make it out our way.  Yet, they blazed a trail in the fresh snow and made it happen!  The snow actually made for some super cute family shots at the end of our time together!!!

It was hard to believe almost a year had gone by since I last had this young lady in front of the camera for her newborn pictures!  It is always SO NEAT to see how little ones grow and change over time!  Her dark eyes, expressive features and engaging personality really drew me in.  She is such a sweetheart!  I loved how her parents wanted to incorporate the board they had used in her newborn pictures, a Christmas flare since she was born in December, and a Mini Mouse theme since A really enjoys her at this stage of life!  Here is a look at some of her fun pictures!

The D Family

I realize it has been a while since I have blogged…been busy with a myriad of things.  Yet, I have this refreshed desire to make time to blog even though the days continue to be full and fast paced.  So, here is a family from this past Fall:

It was a brisk November day that the D family and I got together.  In fact, it was so brisk and WINDY that we had to go to plan “B” and find a place that buffered us from the wind – I am so thankful this location came to mind.  It blocked the wind and still gave the Fall feel they desired!  Let me tell you, each one of these family members were troopers and smiled away as the camera was clicking.  I give them huge props for that because I don’t think you can tell from their pictures that they were freezing!  We snapped all of these picture in about 30 minutes and immediately went to my house where we warmed up with some hot chocolate!  Loved that extra visit time with them!  🙂

By the way, don’t you just love how C pulled their colors together?  All of their outfits look awesome!

We took some quick headshots of the girls before they needed to wrap up in some quilts to warm up a bit!  I really like how the wrapped up pictures turned out too.  🙂

It was fun that their dad hopped in for a quick picture or two with his daughters before we took some of their little guy all on his own.  Isn’t he a cutie?!?

After these pictures we were all dashing to the vehicles and wanting to warm up!  Nothing sounded better than a warm house and hot chocolate.  It was fun to wrap up our time together visiting over steaming hot mug of chocolate liquid in a warm environment!

Thanks, D Family, for hanging in there and for asking me to take pictures for you all!

T – Senior 2014

This Senior could not have timed his session any better!  🙂  They were hoping for a splash of Fall color in his pictures and ended up with a ton of colors from which to choose!  (It can be so hard to time a session for Fall color, you never know exactly when all the color will be at its peak…T hit it just right!)  Here are some of his pictures with awesome color!

I will never forget what happened during his session.  I had switched lenses and casually set the one I was not using on the chair in the above pictures.  I was ready for the chair and just grabbed it, pulling it toward the desired spot.  Upon doing so my lens went crashing to the asphalt…it was like slow motion as I watched it bounce end to end, back and forth on the hard surface.  This was one of my favorite lenses which has been used often!  As anyone with an interst in photography knows, lenses are not cheap…all I could do was look up and say, “God, please don’t let it be broken!!!”  I picked it up but did not want to look it over…didn’t want to know of any probable damage!  We went back to taking pictures and before long we were back in the car and preparing to head to another location.  It was then that I took a deep breath and began to check out the lens.  I was encouraged – the exterior didn’t show any dents or chips and the glass was normal – WOW!!!  I didn’t hear anything rattle on the inside as I moved it around.  So, I put it on the camera body, and took a few shots with it – AMAZING, simply AMAZING!  The thing did not show one ounce of damage!  Everything worked as it should!  I do not know HOW it survived that fall and those bounces but IT DID!  I looked up once again and thanked God for this miracle, for it was huge to me!  Months later, as I continue to use this lens, I am reminded of what it survived and am grateful all over again!

Now back to this awesome guy’s session – T plays the trumpet so it was fun to incorporate his instrument into some of his pictures.

While working around town we were watching the light for just the right time to stop by the Belleville Farm and Home Store to catch some pictures with the tractor out front.  It was kind of funny because we would have some cloud cover and start to head that way only to have the sun pop out, bold and bright, sending us a different direction.  It all worked out in the end but added some humor to our time together.  🙂

We also spent some time at a farm T’s family owns…loved hearing about the memories they have made out there over the years!  It was also fun to catch some pictures of T with his dog…I remember going into their store and seeing this dog when he was just a puppy!

Wishing T and many other Seniors out there God’s best as they head off to the next thing after graduation this May!