A Massive Post – MANY Random Pictures!

It has been quite a while since I have posted random pictures taken throughout daily life.  Since my file for such things is so full, I decided now is the time to add such an entry. Be forewarned, there are a LOT of pictures!  Yet, I took each one for a reason.  Whether is was pretty, simple, odd, a memory, or just because, I was drawn to pulling the camera up to my eye and freezing the moment in time because it stood out to me.  I hope you enjoy cruising through this set of pictures.  If you have a favorite, feel free to let me know which one and why.  It is always fun to hear what others think.  🙂  Have a great week!



My Youngest but Tallest Brother

It is my privilege to introduce to you, once again, my brother, Z.  He is the youngest in our family and stopped by our place for a brief visit before heading home from school.  It was fun to spend time with him, catch up, and hear about college life!  He does not mind being in front of the camera and willingly let me click away while he was here.  Thanks, Z!  Enjoy your Summer!

The Rodeo

It is that time of year again.  Gotta love a good, hometown rodeo!  Our kids were super excited about all the rodeo had to offer this year and anticipated attending  from the moment they awoke the day of the big event.  We had a wonderful evening and I enjoyed the additional challenge of working with my camera in low light – made me thankful there is such a thing as high ISO!  🙂  Here are some of the pictures that that day!

A Growing Family

I was so glad it worked out to lock in this moment in time for a friend.  We literally pulled this session together last minute due to her schedule and mine!  Little did we know we were “just in the nick of time” – less than 12 hours later her little one arrived!!  I must say, C looked great and did amazingly well for being so close to delivery!  I think back and am impressed that she was able to get up and down, move around and pose for the camera as easily as she did!  Wow!  Below are some of her maternity pictures followed by some of her new son, R’s, pictures.  He is such a cutie and was a trooper during his session.  I loved our time together and, again, am so glad it all worked out!  🙂

C and M, congratulations to you and your family as you celebrate, adjust to and enjoy the newest member!

The following photos were taken for a specific purpose…we desired to capture a picture of Mr. R. in the womb and then near the same place once he entered this big world!  It is pretty amazing to think about the process of development, followed by delivery and wrapped up with on-going growth!  Wow!