L’s Senior Session – Part 1

Some of you may remember L’s {Sneak Peek} from this past Summer…I cannot believe I forgot to add a blog entry about her session!  Especially, when I was so excited about getting to see her again, meet her extended family, and see her horses!  A while back I had taken photos of L and her siblings as a surprise for their parents.  From all I heard, the surprise went over very well.  🙂  So, when thinking toward having her Senior photos taken, she thought of me and I am glad she did.  🙂

Upon visiting with L, I loved the ideas she had – a few of her alone at places near their home and all the rest with her horses.  She loves horses and is a very skilled rider.

Since her home is pretty far from mine, we decided I would arrive a little early, check out site and lighting options and then map out a plan.  After visiting a bit and meeting additional family members, her mother gave me the tour of location choices; ideas for her shoot came together quickly and easily.  Most of the family members I met went with us from location to location, helping with things here and there (their assistance was greatly appreciated, especially with the horses) and her Mom was kind to help with keeping L’s striking, long hair laying smoothly!  (Thanks!)

For this post, I am going to show you her individual photos and in the next post I will add those taken with her horses!

Our first location was an old well house near her home.  What a unique structure – colors, texture, character – loved it all!  Definitely a great spot!

 Our next stop was an old limestone building in a pasture – I have a weak spot for old limestone!  I loved the wilds flowers/weeds growing randomly throughout the field.

Chicken Drama

This is one of those posts I mentioned a while back…one about the drama associated with the feathered critters around our farm.  🙂

About two years ago our family decided to add chickens to our small farm.  Although we would be considered chicken novices, I know, without a doubt, that our chickens understand we are their friends.  From the start each little one has been around us, cared for, played with, and held often (especially by the kids) while we have been outside.

   Yet, the chickens have also had their fair share of scares during the last two years.

Although they have had run of the farm during the day, we put them in the coop at night, which also has an attached outdoor area with triple fencing!  After several episodes of finding only the feathers of a chicken IN THE COOP with no sign of a predator’s entrance or exit we set a live trap.  (apparently something was eating them through the fence!)  We were astounded to steadily capture 2 feral tom cats (very vicious and mean), 3 possums, and 5 raccoons over a period of time!  Oh my!  I could just imagine the drama in movie form which had been taking place at night.  Poor chickens.  I am thankful to say, we are well beyond that window of time!

The chickens have continued to enjoy roaming free during the day, interacting with us, following us around, chasing the cats away from their own food, etc…

Well, they had been running free until I went out to do the evening chores a few weeks ago and discovered one of our chickens dead, laying half eaten by our shed!  What?  What could have taken her?

Then I remembered one of our cats, Larry, catching my attention through one of the windows earlier that day.  He looked similar to this:

 I remember him intently watching something in a slightly crouched position.  I remember being surprised when he stayed that way for a long time.  I remember even going to several windows trying to see what had so fully captured his attention for such a lengthy amount of time.  Hmmmm  He immediately became our first suspect.  Yet, it didn’t make sense!  The chickens kinda push the cats around, they steer clear of the “ladies”.

After two days of looking suspiciously at Larry, the possible chicken killer, I again noticed him crouched to the ground watching something intently when I looked out one of our windows!  I immediately began trying to see what he might be watching.  I went from window to window looking from different angels.  Nothing.  Ugg!  He remained motionless, watching for such a LONG time!  I was determined to see what had captivated his attention!  It could be a link to what had taken Daisy, the chicken we lost a few days prior!

I never would have seen what Larry was watching had there not been some movement to give this critter away…but, it did move and I did see it.  I never would have thought of this being the culprit, but suddenly it all made sense!  It was:


I told you we were novices when it came to chickens.  An aeriel predator never even entered our heads!  Poor Larry, and here we thought he might have done it!

Needless to say, the chickens went through a period of quarantine and were not allowed out of the coop for quite some time.  Thinking the hawks had by now forgotten all about our chickens, we decided to let them run around again.  Unfortunately, after only a few days of being out, we lost another chicken.  🙁  The hawks are sharp!  They are also everywhere!

I am sorry for the poor quality of the two photos above but they are the only ones I have been able to take.  I have tried and tried to get a tight shot of a hawk but they always fly away long before I get close.  Even with a telephoto I could not get a good shot.  🙁  Anyway, they are all over the place.  We see them on power poles, fence posts, hovering on the wind currents, and flying over fields.  While I realize a hawk must eat too, I just really wish they would leave our “Sweet Baby Chicks”, as we still call them, alone!

And that, my friends, is the current drama related to our chickens!

Love Is…

This is what I read to our children this morning, it is from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in the Bible (NASB).

“Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails…”

God’s love is perfect, never failing.  Although I can never have this kind of love toward those I hold dear, by God’s grace a measure of it can be extended through me.

I am thankful that each of us can experience God’s perfect love when we desire to receive it!


A Little Bit of Warmth

After the cold weather we have had I thought it would be fun to remind us all of the warmth that comes with Summer through this set of photos.  🙂

A friend of mine approached me about an idea she had.  She thought it would be fun to surprise her husband with some photos of their crops and pivots, wondering if I did that kind of thing.  Since I love taking pictures of God’s creation, scenic or “made in His image”, I said I would love to do this for her!

She explained what she was thinking and we later drove around together so she could show me various fields and where they were located.

The timing was tricky since (ideally) she desired the corn to be tasseled out, the pivots to be on (giant sprinklers for those who do not farm), and then there was the lighting/weather to work with.  Now, those pivots had to be timed just right!  They needed to be close to the road but they do not come on every day.  When they are on the pivots move rather slowly.  Catching them on AND close to the road WHEN the lighting was good was a challenge, but I am thankful to say it all came together and she was able to give her husband several large prints for Christmas this year – and he was very pleased!  🙂  As a memory, my kids and I laugh about the time I stood up on top of the car in order to see above the corn and capture these images.  🙂

A Wet Snow

Oooohhhhh, we were super excited to see snow outside our windows this morning!  It was a bonus to discover it was a “wet” snow this time – you can do so much more with wet snow!  We played outdoors as it continued to fall from the sky – fresh, quiet, and peaceful!  What fun we had!  Here are a few pictures snapped along the way.  We have been waiting and waiting for a wet snowfall so we could build a certain type of “snowman”, you will see our creation within this set of photos!  Happy snow day, all!  🙂