K and M Engagement Session – Part 2

As you remember from my description of K and M’s “part one” Engagement Session, we needed to reschedule due to the weather.  I am thankful to say, for our second session the weather was lovely!  In fact, it could not have been better!  They had several great locations picked out which held meaning to them, and, upon meeting, we jumped right in and began capturing memories!  🙂

We made a few stops around a small downtown area:

Then we went to a nearby lake.  They both enjoy fishing but had yet to do so with each other, so we incorporated this “first” into our session.  🙂  Are you as impressed as I am that the bride-to-be actually put the worm on her own hook?

  Who would have thought this surprise would be waiting for us at the lake?  Of course, we had to take a few photos with it!  🙂

   From the lake we went to a park.

It was disappointing that the walkway to the waterfall was blocked off..oh well, we made the best of it and caught some photos with it in the background.  🙂  Thanks again, K and M, for asking me to photograph this very special time in your lives!  God bless you both!

K and M’s Engagement Session – Part 1

 As I mentioned in my last post, I recently realized there were a few photo sessions for which I put up a “sneak peek” but did not blog about.  So, I am backtracking to this past Summer…to the day I was scheduled to shoot K and M’s engagement photos.  A morning session was planned but the weather was changing fast.  Although sunny when you looked to the South, if you looked to the North you could tell a storm was moving in quickly.  In fact, when I drove out of our driveway, this was the sight I beheld – pretty in it’s own way, powerful and majestic as well.  Yet, not looking good for an outdoor photography session.

Here are a few more shots taken as I drove to the highway:

 Interesting side note: I was driving down the highway when all of the sudden I heard this loud banging sound.  What in the world!?  Long story short, the mirror on the passenger’s side of the car broke off (held there by a thick wire) and was flapping loudly against the side of the car/door.  Yikes!  I pulled over, assessed the situation and ended up rolling down the passenger window in order to pull the mirror into the car so I could drive without it banging against the vehicle.  Unfortunately, I was driving on the highway, window down and it looked like it could start pouring any minute!  “Lord, please let me get there before it starts raining!” was my prayer over and over.  🙂  Thankfully, I made it to our location and was able to get settled just as sprinkles started to fall and the wind began to pick up.  “Thanks, God!”

Here is the lovely couple I hung out with while we waited out the storm:

Although we thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to visit and listen to a little piano playing, when the storm subsided I headed home.  Obviously, this day was not going to work well for what they desired in their photos.

I will post the rescheduled session (part 2) soon.

This and That

This is just a quick post of some pictures I have taken while living life with my family.  I love making time to notice the details that surround me…easier said than done sometimes.  🙂  In this set you will find pictures of things that caught my attention while outdoors, a few indoor items, me, a little bit of food, one recovering from an injury and a glimpse of snow.  Yes, we finally had snow this winter.  🙂  Since I generally do not take a lot of outdoor portraits during winter, in the coming weeks I hope to blog about a few photo shoots that didn’t make it past the “sneak peek” phase.  I also have some things to share regarding goat happenings, chicken drama, and alpaca arrivals.

Backtracking to CHRISTmas

I know, I know…Christmas has passed and we are currently into the New Year, but I had some lovely pictures to share and did not find time to do so before now.  So, for those out there who enjoy pretty things, the meaning of CHRISTmas, lights, the fun additions to Christmas and such you just might enjoy cruising through these photos.  🙂  We had a wonderful time over the holidays and I hope the same was true for you!

Happy New Year!

I was in the house working away when my husband, who had been working outdoors, popped his head in the door and said, “You should grab your camera and come check out this sunset.”  I didn’t even think twice about it.  I just picked up my camera and followed him outside.  He was right!  The sunset was lovely, vibrant, majestic.  I found a few spots from which to capture the moment and just soak in the beauty and quite that surrounded me.  Ahhh, what a great last sunset for 2011!  Here is to looking forward to all 2012 will hold – Happy New Year, All!