A Little Bit of Life

This time of year always goes by so fast!  From Fall activities to Thanksgiving and into Christmas, it always seems like a whirl!  Yet each moment is filled with memories that will be treasured forever!  The photos below are a rather eclectic mix of things from everyday life.  Kids all dressed up for a photo shoot, shots of their random footwear and corn gathered from a field after harvest.  Two pictures in this set were taken on a very foggy day, can you tell which ones they are?  There is also a rather “plain” photo of some “weeds” – every time I see these tall weeds they make me smile.  If you look at the image for a moment maybe you will see what brings the smile to my face.  🙂  (The reason is listed at the end of all the photos.)  I also really like the individual photos of leaves along with the lovely berries.  The indoor shots were fun to add…  Of course, the setting sunlight is so pretty, as are the alert animals we see all the time.  So, that is what this post includes – a little bit of everything.  🙂  BTW, can you believe CHRISTmas is only 9 days away?!

Did you take a moment to look at the tall weeds?  Did you see the “heart” they make?  That is what I see ever time I round the corner to our house and it makes me smile.  🙂

Scenic Roots {sneak peek}

It was a complete honor to schedule a session with these two lovely sisters who make up the band “Scenic Roots“.  They are preparing for the release of their new album (Spring 2012) and taking some photos was a part of that process.  Not only are A and E beautiful individuals, they love music and play extremely well!  I am amazed by their talent!  If you ever have the opportunity to hear them play, I highly recommend doing so!  Although I will withhold a full post on their session until the release of their new CD, here is a sneak peek of some of the things we captured.

For more info on Scenic Roots you can go to their website at http://www.scenicroots.com/ or find them on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ScenicRootsMusic

Also, a special thanks to Jitters Coffee House in Concordia, KS for letting us use their location for this photo shoot!

C’s Senior Session

It sure was nice to meet and get to know C a little bit!  We had a good time while out and about, stopping here and there to snap a photo – or two, or three.  🙂  As you look through these photos commemorating C’s senior year you will see him with a guitar, a golf club and some cool shoes!  (I had some shoes very similar to his when I was in High School – brings back memories.  :))  We ended his session with a stop at an alfalfa field and a pasture – I am partial to the silhouette shots!  C, thanks for letting me take your senior photos!  May you enjoy what is left of this special year as well as all the future holds for you!

Peasant the Pheasant

Today marks one week since pheasant season opened in our area.  You cannot drive anywhere without seeing blaze orange everywhere you look!  (For those of you who do not know, when you hunt pheasant you are required to wear the very fashionable, blaze orange – vest, hat, shirt, etc…)  People come from all over the place to hunt these wily critter.  My husband and I were among them until we moved into the area.  🙂  Unfortunately, I am sad to say, there are not as many birds to be found these days – there are many reasons why this is so.  Yet, seeing all this blaze orange and hearing the occasional “pop” of a shotgun has made me reminisce about the days we did much of the same.  It has also reminded me of a unique pheasant story I would like to share.

My husband surprised our family by bringing home two hens and one rooster pheasant a while back.  At that time the rooster did not look like he does in these photos.  He was very small and mainly brown and black.  We cared for our pheasants and gradually integrated them into the coop, where they joined the chickens.  I had my first, real look at what “hen pecked” means as poor Peasant the Pheasant lost feathers, cowered in the corner of the coop and seemed to cheer when all the “ladies” headed out of the coop for the day.  (We did not let the pheasants run loose.)  Well, as the days went by Peasant the Pheasant slowly grew colorful feathers, matured and would hold his own among the ladies.  When company came to visit, we enjoyed showing them the pheasants.  Such a lovely bird!  So colorful!  What an amazing creature God made!  Well, Peasant the Pheasant surprised us one day when we went into the coop to gather eggs – he attacked our legs!  What!  Where did that come from?  Did we startle him?  We knew something had to change when this happened time and time again.  He was becoming more and more aggressive.

After weighing the options, we settled on letting this amazing creature enjoy his freedom and return to “the wild”.  I took as many pictures as I could that day because I did not know when I would ever be this close to a pheasant again.  As my husband sat Peasant the Pheasant out in a field and we waited for him to discover that he was free, I took several of the photos you are seeing.

There was one thing we did not count on…he did not want to leave.  He slowly made his way back to the homestead area and headed for the coop.

He stuck around all day!  He seemed to think that the entire yard area belonged to him.  Whenever we went outside he would come running to attack us – the people who have cared for and fed him!  Go figure!  Our poor children were afraid to go outside since he was on the loose!  Peasant the Pheasant even went as far as to taunt the dogs (bird dogs we use to hunt this very fowl) while they were tied to leads.  Crazy bird!  That night my husband and I were weighing our options again, for this could not go on!

The next morning we were anticipating his attack when we stepped out to do chores.  Surprisingly, nothing happened.  Peasant the Pheasant was nowhere to be found!  (The kids were cheering from the doorway!)  Where did he go?  What was his fate?  I do not know.  Yet, I like to believe he is out running and flying free in the fields that surround our house.  When I hear the distinct cackle of a rooster pheasant I like to think it just might be Peasant the Pheasant, enjoying the freedom it took him a while to realize he had.

And I remain thankful that he is no longer around causing misery to us when we gather eggs and work around the house.  🙂

That, my friends, is the story of our Peasant the Pheasant.

Oh yes, his name:  Pheasant the Pheasant was decided upon because of an ongoing alliteration our family has when it comes to animals, i.e. Daisy the Dog, Petra the Pointer, etc..