I was excited when D and E asked me about taking their engagement photos! They were great to work with and made my job so easy as they naturally interacted with each other. They picked out several lovely and meaningful places at which to take pictures and timed changing their clothes just right. I am going to post these photos in a slide show in order of the locations at which we stopped. There are quite a few so you might want to pop some popcorn and grab a soda for refreshments as you take in the photos from their session. 🙂
Author: Shellie
Happy Easter!

While set up for a yard sale this past weekend these lovely tulips kept calling my name! Despite the harsh sun I snapped away…here is what I got. Oh yea, the last pictures is a little bouquet given to me by a very special little person. 🙂 Love her creativity!
I Was Reminded…
Yesterday we had some pretty nasty storms move through our area! We had strong winds, heavy rain and tornado warnings – thankfully, no damage or actual tornadoes! Yet, about this time last year we had a truly wicked storm hit our area! We had rain, weird clouds, a wall cloud, fierce winds and hail which came down horizontally because of the wind! The hail pummeled the West side of our home and even broke a window! Although the largest hail was about the size of a ping pong ball there was soooo much of it! It looked as if it had snowed. Here are a few pictures of what things looked like a year ago after that storm!
The ground was covered with hail! The day was warm so what looks like “fog” is actually steam coming up from the hail!
Notice how the hail beat down the “weeds” in the foreground? It stripped all the flowers I had coming up as well! *sigh*The weird clouds! Guess they mean hail is coming.
The leaves were stripped off the trees and laying on the road!
The Wall Cloud over a wheat field – after it had hailed!
A Splash of Color
While driving in town I caught a colorful glimpse to my left! I made my way back around that block and was delighted to find four different colors of Spring in one spot!