I caught this handsome fellow’s attentive look while visiting a friend’s alpaca farm. I love how all his little hairs are backlit! Pretty.
Author: Shellie
When I went out to take care of chores one morning I almost stepped on this visitor. So pretty in color, the sun highlighting its amazing features…just had to run back in and grab the camera!
Washed White As Snow
Here are a few pictures taken after a COLD snowfall…pretty but very cold! Brrr…
Vibrant Sunset
I just happened to have my camera with me while out walking at the Lake with some relatives. We quickly snapped a few silhouette shots of their family and caught one of just two of the kids. I am thankful all that worked out – God’s sunsets are just amazing – no two are the same!
#3 is on the way!
I consider it an honor to have photographed my sister’s third pregnancy! She was in town visiting and it just “worked out” to snap a few photos here and there while we were out and about. She looked great and was a trooper when N.P.entered this world and joined the family! She is an awesome Mom and all three of her little boys are wonderful, if I do say so myself. 🙂