While taking the Z. Family’s photos, I snagged some group and individual pictures of the kids. They were great sports and readily flashed smiles my way!
Author: Shellie
Mr. and Mrs. Z.
These Couple pictures were taken during our fun Z. Family session.
The Z. Family
Meet the Z. family! I was excited when they called to see if it I might be able to take their family photos. I was also thankful our schedules meshed and the weather cooperated! 🙂 We had a great time taking pictures at the locations they chose – their homeplace and an old limestone building. (I love those old limestone buildings!) Thanks for letting me capture this moment in time for your family! Look in Kiddos and Couples to see more pictures taken during this session.
Mr. and Mrs. G.
Maybe this post should be titled “Him and Her”. Seems we got more individual shots than actual couple shots…but they go together. 🙂 Thanks for asking me to take pictures of your sweet family!
The G. Family
It sure was fun to work with the G. family! We had a great time stopping at three locations special to them and were able to capture a little bit of everything during our time together. At the very end of taking pictures everyone took turns shooting the gun one of the boys had brought along to use in some pictures. The target – a paper plate attached to a tree and a tin can. 🙂 Fun Times! By the way, additional pictures of the kids and couple can be found in those categories. Be sure to check them out. 🙂