It was such a pleasure to work with the B Family! We met through out kids playing Summer sports together – it was super fun to get to know them even better during their session! We connected this past Fall and hit several places I love: downtown Haddam, an old farmstead, a hay field and a great place to catch the sunset!
As can happen in any family, some individuals were game to have pictures taken, others…well, not so much. That was the case here, but I am thankful to say everyone rose to the occasion, responded positively, and provided some wonderful memories through pictures for their family! I even heard later that everyone actually had a good time. 🙂
Here are some family pictures to start off with:

These two boys were a blast to have in front of the camera! I loved watching their personalities emerge as we interacted – they whipped out the serious look, the silly face and true smiles during the course of their session.

Pulling aside just M and K for some pictures was a highlight! It has been rare for them to have pictures taken together, so I enjoyed locking in some sweet memories for them! 🙂

We did out best to capture some of the Fall color which had started appear.
(I am eating up this color since it is now winter and everything is stark and bare!)

We took a few shots of this handsome fellow in his football jersey and then had some fun with a random idea that had come to mind: playing with silly string!

As requested, we concluded this session with some silhouette pictures! (Twist my arm to take them! Goodness, I have a weak spot for sunset pictures – with people or without, both are amazing!)

Thanks for entrusting me with your pictures, B Family!!!