The B Family

This session was talked about and prepared for prior to a date being set…we were waiting to see when everyone could make it into town so they would all be together.  (It can be so hard to coordinate a day and time that works well for a large group of people!)  When the day was decided upon we ran forward with our plans.  Unfortunately, two individuals were unable to make it at the last minute due to work schedule changes.  🙁

While we missed the two who were unable to be there, we still had a great time capturing pictures for this family as a whole and for the individual family units that have formed over time.  The kids were cracking me up, the babies were so sweet and cute, the adults were easy-going and fun to work with, the stories I heard along the way gave me some good laughs and the home place where we were taking pictures had so much to work with!  What a special time for their family!

It all started when these two met, feel in love, and said “I Do”.

These was never a dull moment as they added 5 children to their family!

As their kiddos married, Mr. and Mrs. B were excited about the in-laws and grandkids added to their family!

These kids were so much fun!  I loved the idea of putting the older boys in batman shirts and taking some pictures of just them!  Nothing brings out a pose from a boy like pretending to be a super hero!  🙂

 The littlest kiddos sure were sweet…

Back to some group pictures:

We packed a lot into our time together and I enjoyed every minute!

Thank you, B Family, for entrusting me with your memories!  🙂

The A Family

It was so nice to meet and work with this family…extended relatives of previous clients!  After visiting about what was desired in their pictures, we began to formulate a plan toward where and when to take their pictures!  We landed on meeting at the Koester House Museum in Marysville, KS and then going to their home for additional pictures.  After a preview of these two sites, I became very excited about all the possibilities we had to work with and could not wait for the day of their session to arrive!

Here are some of the highlights from our time near the Historic Koester House:

Our next stop was at their home…the view from their deck was amazing, the landscaping was wonderful, and who could resist taking some pictures in the pretty wildflowers?  BTW, in case you don’t notice, this family bleeds purple!  True K-State fans through and through.  🙂

I am so thankful we worked the timeline in such a way that we were able to snag some pictures of Mr. A. with his super cool car.  This was the first car he owned and has kept through the years!  (I love nostalgic things like that!!!!  Oh the stories, the memories, the experiences, the history, the character…deep sigh!)

Thank you, A Family, for the fun memories, cool stories, ongoing smiles, and overall experience of getting to work with you all!

J – Turned 1

I am floored by how quickly time flies!  Could this little one already be celebrating her first birthday?!?  The answer is yes, she could!  From taking her newborn photos until now, she has grown and changed so much!  She has a super sweet disposition, an adorable head of curly hair and some very serious faces amid her engaging smiles!

Here is a glimpse into what we caught for J and her family:

Can you guess which collegiate team this family cheers for?  🙂

Loved celebrating this mile marker with the Z family!

J – Senior 2014

Oh my goodness!!  I think it is safe to say this girl is living her dreams!  Just wait until you see her interests and where she spends so much of her time!  Not only does she have the privilege of working with great animals, she also has an amazing place in which to enjoy them!

About a year out from having Senior picture taken, J’s family talked about getting on my schedule.  With her pending session in mind, I began to write down ideas as they came to me.  It was super exciting to finally have the day of her session roll around so we could begin putting all those ideas into action.  Quite honestly, while we captured A LOT for J, we ran out of time for all of our ideas.  🙁  Guess that is better than running out of ideas though.  🙂

We started off at the local FFA sign – isn’t it cool!?

It was very warm out the day of J Session so we did not have her spend a lot of time in the FFA jacket!  We hopped into our vehicles with a great appreciation for the AC and headed for her house.  After she changed clothes, we started taking pictures near some trees on their property – I call them cigar trees since they have the long seed pods hanging down!  🙂

We spent a little time down by the barn to capture these pictures with one of her horses.

Adjacent to their barn is an indoor riding arena…the perfect place for a few backlit shots near the large doors.  I just love the haze created from all the dirt being stirred up!

Since J has also worked long and hard with her heifer we pulled her in a for a few shots too.  🙂

It was still rather warm outside, so we headed back to their house where J could freshen up and change clothes.  While she was cooling down and changing you should have seen all the work her family was doing!  In fact, they did so much in preparation for J’ssession!  All they accomplished was greatly appreciated – it truly was a family event!!!  Thanks to each one of you – T, L, S, S – you all rock!!!!

It was now time to devote some attention to capturing J with her favorite guy, Superman!  🙂  They make a great pair!

This is one of the many things J’s family set up for her session: mowed lawn, trailer hooked up, truck and trailer positioned just so, animals groomed and tied to the trailer…waiting…all we needed was J!  🙂

Her two favorite rides:

A representation of time spent on the dance team.

A few pictures taken around the outdoor riding arena.

I am so happy J and her family live in a place where they can thoroughly enjoy the things that are special to them!

J, thanks for entrusting me with your Senior memories!  I loved getting to work with you again!

The P Family

It was such a privilege to work with the P Family again!  Although we see each other here and there, it is just often one or two members of the family at a time.  So, seeing everyone together was a real treat!  No only that, it also emphasized how much all the kids have grown and changed!  One things remains the same though, their love for each other.  Their bond as a family is refreshing to be around!

As we talked about their session and threw around different ideas, we landed upon two main settings.

We met at this little gem of a spot and incorporated the old, rock structure into their pictures!

(Special thanks to N.Z. for letting us use this location.  He even brush hogged some of the tall weeds back for us – thank you!)

The second location was a place they spend lots of time – their home!  What an amazing place!

T brought out some quilts their Grandparents had made and wanted to use them in a picture with their hands!  This was the result of our ideas!  Would you ever guess the “P” is made out of mulch from their flowerbeds?  🙂

The vehicle, the dogs, being together, thinking, flowers…just a little of what they enjoy!

Their pond was a perfect place to take some pictures!  The kids did a great job working together as they paddled the boat out and back for these pictures.  🙂  I was super impressed that they did not tip over the boat or get all wet!

And how about some sport pictures in honor of the many hours spent practicing a playing the games they enjoy?

P Family, it was wonderful to spend time with each one of you!

Enjoy each day as it is given!