Kansas Scenery

I am excited about setting up at a local craft / vendor fair in our area and thought I would add some scenery images on here for others to reference should someone want to order what would be a perfect fit for their home, office, family or friend! (images can be ordered in various sizes and mediums based on individual preferences. Give me a shout for a price quote!) God has loaded Kansas with so many lovely sights and it has been a privilege to capture and share some of them through photography!

Wheat Harvest

I mentioned a while back that I was excited about posting some pictures from wheat harvest in our area!  Before doing so, here are a few pictures I took one evening of a wheat field near our house.

The next evening the field looked like this…we blinked and missed all the action!

While I always enjoy taking pictures of any harvest, it does not always work out for me to be there when the work in the field is being done.  So, it was a true delight when I was present as the big machines worked their magic row upon row.  Special thanks to the D Family for allowing me to post these pictures!  🙂

Efficient Teamwork:

I loved being able to capture some pictures of wheat harvest this year…how it all works simply amazes me!

Distractions! They are Everywhere!

I love working outdoors, in the garden and in the flower beds.  Yet, I find that it takes me quite a while to make any progress when pulling weeds, trimming back that which is done blooming, etc…  Why is this?  Well, just take a peek at the following pictures!

Who wouldn’t be distracted by all the colors, textures and beauty right at eye level?!?  🙂

Then there are all the little critters that emerge when their habitat is disturbed:

Yes, all of these things are distracting as I attempt to keep up with flower beds and the garden, but I find them amazing and am willing to delay the end result in order to capture the little details I am blessed to see!

Here is to enjoying the process of accomplishing a task!  🙂

The Close of the Day

I have missed seeing sunsets lately.  Where have I been when the sun is setting?  What has the weather been like again?  What have I been busy doing as the sun said goodbye to another day?  Hmmmm, obviously, I have not been outdoors or near a window to see the setting sun.  🙁  Yet, I can recall a few times as of late where I have been driving or coming out of a store when the array of colors splashed across the sky grabbed my attention and I pointed it out to our kids.  Of course, because it was a busy “coming and going” moment, I did not have my camera nearby.  I remember even pulling off to the side of the road one day and hopping out of the car to snap a quick picture (or three!) with my cell phone.  Yet, I couldn’t quite get the quality of image I would desire with my phone.  All this said, posting these pictures are my way of getting a sunset fix.  🙂

The Beauty of Imperfection

We have a special tree around our farm…it was planted a while back in honor of a relative who passed away with funds given by dear friends.  It is also special because it was planted about the time we moved to our farm…we have taken yearly pictures of the kids near it.  It has been fun to see the growth in both the kids and the tree!  We are so thankful this tree has not died, in fact, it has thrived and is doing so well!  This Fall the leaves are a vibrant red – I LOVE it’s colors!

I took several pictures of our little red maple a few days ago…I like many of the images taken but these two really stood out to me.  I am drawn beyond the picture to how the Lord used them to speak to my heart!  I pray your heart is encouraged as mine has been!

God can take that which is imperfect and make it beautiful!  Simply amazing!