As we have been coming and going the past few days these are two pictures I thought you might enjoy. One was taken while watching kiddos play ball, the other just for fun!
Category: Scenery
A Little Bit of This and That
I was moving pictures to my external hard drive and came across some that I would like to post. Once again, as I go about daily life I see things that I want to take pictures of simply because they are unique or pretty to me. Instead of just being tucked away on my hard drive, it is fun to have a place to share them with others! The pictures below cover everything from rustic settings, foggy mornings, kids having fun with water (washing the car), Memorial Day, a flower here and there, crop rows, back lit photos and the wheat which is starting to turn around here! Enjoy!
Memorial Day
Military members, their families and those who have lost their lives while serving our country will always have a special place in my heart! Many thanks to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms, from a heart filled with deep gratitude!
From Wet to Wonderful
What a great weekend! Yes, the weather was a little wet and overcast around here but it ended as clear, cool, and sunny! YEA! Here is to livin’ and enjoyin’ life – whatever the weather is like!
Stormy Weather
Today it is rainy and cool around here…it made me want to post these pictures taken recently of storm clouds that rolled through and of the things that benefit from the rain that falls. Wish I had a picture of the crops I see starting to come up…maybe I will be able to snag a shot of that sometime soon.