Slices of my Life

Since I usually have my camera nearby I can usually stop and take a photo of that which catches my eye.  So many unique and lovely things surround us…I am thankful for eyes with which I can see and for a camera that can record that which was seen!  🙂  Below are slices of my life: things I pass coming and going and things I notice while doing the “next thing”.  I look forward to posting soon about the Alpaca Arrival I mentioned a while back…stay tuned!

A Little Bit of Life…

This past weekend was Easter and we had a wonderful time celebrating!  I hope the same is true for you!  While Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection were our focus, we also enjoyed hunting eggs with our kids!  What fun!

I also have a stash of pictures from various things that I wanted to share!

In our area, there have been a lot of pastures being burned.  While I know there are many positive reasons for doing this, I simply think they are cool to see, especially at night!  The timing and location finally worked out and I was able to capture these – a few during the day and a few at night!

Then there was the morning we awoke to a thick fog…so pretty, so quiet, so eerie.

The following days were rather wet and dreary but there was beauty in that too!

 We missed the sun and were thankful when it finally reappeared!

The mix of clouds and sun made for a lovely close to this specific day, even providing a wonderful rainbow!

The following images are just from here and there as we have enjoyed living life!

Spring is so Refreshing!

Con you believe it?

Yesterday, I walked around in a slight drizzle enjoying the muted sounds of nature and soaking in all the new sights.  After each stark winter, I love watching everything “wake up”, bud and bloom as Spring arrives – the slight rain was a perfect greeting as everything started to awaken!  I was especially thrilled to see that my strawberries are doing well and have multiplied greatly in the garden.  So, these few pictures are in honor of Spring and are a reminder of New Beginnings!

A Little Bit of This and That

I was moving pictures to my external hard drive and came across some that I would like to post.  Once again, as I go about daily life I see things that I want to take pictures of simply because they are unique or pretty to me.  Instead of just being tucked away on my hard drive, it is fun to have a place to share them with others!  The pictures below cover everything from rustic settings, foggy mornings, kids having fun with water (washing the car), Memorial Day, a flower here and there, crop rows, back lit photos and the wheat which is starting to turn around here!  Enjoy!undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined