
I have a stash of pictures building up in a file of things that have stood out to me as I have been living life with my family!  Big or small, these things caught my attention for one reason or another and I wanted to share them!  You will see everything from food and kids to fun and unique…I hope you enjoy looking through this random set of pictures.  🙂  Have a wonderful day!

A Little Bit of This and That

Here is an assortment of pictures that contain little pieces and parts of things…sometimes it is all about the details!undefinedTaken aboard an old train engine.

undefinedRiding his bike down the road…undefinedSwinging with gusto!undefinedThe steps on the ladder of an old slide made for an interesting picture!undefinedYes, it is common to wear jeans with holes in them these day!undefinedHappy St. Patrick’s Day!undefinedundefinedA girl and her boots.undefinedA handful of sunshine.undefinedJust because I want to remember these days!