Just Because

While busy with editing pictures, enjoying company, traveling and the grind of every day life, my camera remains active!  Here are some “just because” pictures taken as life continues to move forward.  🙂

(You may notice I have a weak spot for sunsets as you look through these random pictures.)  🙂


A Massive Post – MANY Random Pictures!

It has been quite a while since I have posted random pictures taken throughout daily life.  Since my file for such things is so full, I decided now is the time to add such an entry. Be forewarned, there are a LOT of pictures!  Yet, I took each one for a reason.  Whether is was pretty, simple, odd, a memory, or just because, I was drawn to pulling the camera up to my eye and freezing the moment in time because it stood out to me.  I hope you enjoy cruising through this set of pictures.  If you have a favorite, feel free to let me know which one and why.  It is always fun to hear what others think.  🙂  Have a great week!