Wheat Harvest

I mentioned a while back that I was excited about posting some pictures from wheat harvest in our area!  Before doing so, here are a few pictures I took one evening of a wheat field near our house.

The next evening the field looked like this…we blinked and missed all the action!

While I always enjoy taking pictures of any harvest, it does not always work out for me to be there when the work in the field is being done.  So, it was a true delight when I was present as the big machines worked their magic row upon row.  Special thanks to the D Family for allowing me to post these pictures!  🙂

Efficient Teamwork:

I loved being able to capture some pictures of wheat harvest this year…how it all works simply amazes me!


Our family sure enjoys watching the wheat ripen around us!  We always stop a moment when the wind is blowing and watch the wave effect taking place among the golden shoots and heads – so pretty!  We also stay on the look out for combines coming through to harvest the wheat and are thankful for the kind friends who often let us hitch a ride!  I also enjoy seeing the wheat stubble baled and the different colored tracks left behind by the large equipment that accomplished the task!  So, with the descriptions given, here is a glimpse of each phase we were able to observe!