2016 Update and Changes

Goodness!  It was been waaaayyyy too long since I have posted anything here!

I hope to change that this year!  🙂

When I first started Shellie Baxter Photography, LLC, it was with an “as it fits into our family’s schedule” approach.  Surprisingly, the business quickly grew into more than I had ever dreamed or planned! To each of you who have brought Shellie Baxter Photography, LLC to where it is today, I say a huge THANK YOU!  Thank you for trusting me to preserve your memories through photography – it has been an honor to work with each one of you!

Yet, the time has come for me to make some changes.  I have weighed in the balance so many things, deciding that throughout 2016 I will only be booking a limited number of High School Senior sessions.  While I will miss working with so many wonderful people through all other forms of photography, this approach for 2016 will help meet the changing needs within my family, as well as provide the time desired for ongoing photography education and the pursuit of a scenery product line.  In advance, thank you for your understanding and your continued support during this year of change!

In keeping with my 2016 focus on Senior Portraits, I hope to regularly post highlights from various Senior Sessions taken throughout 2014 and 2015.  There are some wonderful images, taken in special places, representing various abilities and interests which I simply did not have time to share on this site prior to now!  I cannot wait to feature these amazing individuals in the days ahead!

For updated info on Senior Session options, go to details and click on “investment” and “your session”.

As I mentioned a bit ago, besides pursuing additional photography education, I also hope to develop a scenery product line.  You will be hearing more about this venture throughout 2016!  I am super excited about getting the many lovely images I have on hard drives (like the one below) into various forms others can enjoy!

Taken near Haddam, KS.

Looking forward to all this year holds,


Scenic Enlargement

Not too long ago someone contacted me about the possibility of ordering a large canvas of a scenic picture on my blog.  This is the one in which they were interested:

I have always loved this image, especially the colors in it, and was happy to assure them it would look great as an enlarged canvas!

It was even more stunning than I imagined it would be when I broke open the box and unwrapped the picture!  Although the glare hinders the true colors of the canvas to really show in the pictures below, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have my son (7 yrs old) snap a few of me with it!  🙂

Upon receiving the 24×36 gallery wrap canvas, the customer was very pleased and excited.  In fact, they were so excited they managed to put it up on the wall the evening they received it!  I am so glad they liked the end result!

If you happen to see a scenic picture on here that you would like to have enlarged for some reason, just send me a note and I will see what we can work out.  🙂


FYI – I am posting additional photos over on Facebook as I am able.  I plan to wait until I have a large batch ready from each session and then I will post them here, on my blogsite.  So, if you would like to see the photos before they are added on this site, just “Like” me over on Facebook (Shellie Baxter Photography) and you will see the images more quickly.  🙂