Sister Duo: Scenic Roots

It was my privilege to, once again, capture images for these two as they prepared for an upcoming CD release!

In fact, I have held off blogging about their session on purpose in order to celebrate with them as they launch their newest CD: Reverie – which is happening TODAY!  I am so excited for them!

If you have not heard of Scenic Roots you can learn more about them by browsing their website: and checking out their Facebook Page: Scenic Roots.

If you have not been to one of their concerts, I recommend going sometime!  In fact, you could do so as early as today!  They will be holding a CD release concert this afternoon, August 10th at 2:00pm, at the Brown Grand Theater in Concordia, Kansas!  Admission for this specific event is free!  If you can attend, you will enjoy hearing some of the music from their newest CD: Reverie.  If you should choose to purchase their CD, you will see some of the following images on and within the case!!!!

One of their favorite books…believe me, they have driven all over the place on their music tours!!!

It was mid November last year when we took these pictures…we were thankful to find a stash of leaves still on the ground with which we could incorporate into their session and have some fun!  🙂

Suckers and swings…adding a little fun flare to go along with a special element of their new release!

A and E, it was wonderful to work with you again!  Thanks for asking me to take pictures for newest adventure!

Scenic Roots – Part 2

In this second post of pictures taken for Scenic Roots you will see several things:

1) Various poses of E and A with their instruments.

2) Pieces and parts of various things.

3) Paperwork and packing up.

Again, it was a privilege to work with these two and support them in their music endeavors!  Be sure to check out their Website ( and Facebook Page (!/ScenicRootsMusic) if you have not already done so.  If they have a concert scheduled near you I would highly recommend trying to attend!

Scenic Roots – Part 1

Well, this would be an official post on the session I had with Scenic Roots.  🙂

If you follow this site, you have probably seen the “sneak peek” and have read the “quick post” about the launch of their new CD, but this post, along with part two, will give you an even greater glimpse of the images we were able to capture.  In part one you will see some individual (with and without instruments) highlights of the two girls that make up the group Scenic Roots along with the two of them together.  In part two I will add their shots with instruments and some “pieces and parts” photos we took.   

Be sure to click on their link and listen to the music video of “Orphan Girl”.  It will give you an understanding of their amazing abilities!

Photos from their session have been used in the creation of the CD case which holds their new release, “Grounded”.


Scenic Roots – Grounded

A while back I posted a “sneak peek” for a music group called Scenic Roots!  I thoroughly enjoyed their session but have waited to post more about our time together until the release of their new CD – Grounded!  Well, that day has come!

Today, March 9, 2012, Scenic Roots will have three live performances (12pm, 6pm and 9pm) at the very location where their shoot took place – Jitter’s Coffeehouse in Concordia, KS.

So, if you like wonderful music…

and enjoy a really good cup of coffee along with great food

then be sure to join Scenic Roots down at Jitter’s Coffeehouse today!

They love playing and singing and are very skilled at it too!

 To learn more about Scenic Roots or see additional performance times and locations be sure to check out their website

I look forward to posting more pictures from their session in the next few days!

Scenic Roots {sneak peek}

It was a complete honor to schedule a session with these two lovely sisters who make up the band “Scenic Roots“.  They are preparing for the release of their new album (Spring 2012) and taking some photos was a part of that process.  Not only are A and E beautiful individuals, they love music and play extremely well!  I am amazed by their talent!  If you ever have the opportunity to hear them play, I highly recommend doing so!  Although I will withhold a full post on their session until the release of their new CD, here is a sneak peek of some of the things we captured.

For more info on Scenic Roots you can go to their website at or find them on facebook at

Also, a special thanks to Jitters Coffee House in Concordia, KS for letting us use their location for this photo shoot!