This would be part 2 of K’s senior session. It was fun to follow up her Summer wheat field session with a Fall flare. A special place, lovely colors, beautiful girl and a splash of water – so much fun! Enjoy this glimpse into her session. 🙂
Category: Sneak Peeks
The K Family {sneak peek}
It sure was great to spend time with the whole K family! So glad it worked out to take pictures for them! Here is a quick look into some of what was captured during our time together!
The B Family {sneak peek}
Check out this first picture…batman x3! What a way to start off a session – I LOVED it! It was only the beginning of a wonderful evening – amazing weather and neat people! Here is a glimpse of what was captured during our time together! 🙂
Senior 2014 – C {sneak peek}
C could not have done a better job during his session! He had a ready smile, could easily pull out the serious face, did not get upset when we drove dirt roads which dusted his clean car, and was game to try jumping off the top of his car at the end of our time together! What an awesome session! 🙂 Here is a look into some of what we captured!
Mr. J – 7 months {sneak peek}
We waited and waited for the perfect day to take this little man’s pictures and when the evening of his session rolled around, it was just that – perfect! We could not have had nicer weather, and, though J started with his “serious face”, we managed to capture a few smiles along the way! I LOVED getting to meet J and see his family again…the last time I saw his parents he was the bump in his Mama’s tummy during their maternity session! Enjoy this peek into our time together!