The B Family {sneak peek}

I sure had a great time meeting and working with this family earlier this week.  So glad all the details fell into place so we could capture some rare, extended family time while you were all together!  I hope each of you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thoroughly enjoy celebrating with J and S this weekend!  Here is a little peek at some of the pictures taken while you were in front of the camera!

The S Family {sneak peek}

It was my privilege to work with the S family over the weekend.  Don’t you just love the brother shirts their Mom found?  🙂  Super cute!  Although we are on the tail end of Fall around here, we managed to find a splash of color to incorporate into some of their pictures!  Yea!  Enjoy the sneak peek for now…I have more to share when I eventually blog about this session.  🙂

SC – 2013 Senior {sneak peek}

Our family has been so blessed with great nieces and nephews – we love them all to pieces and sure wish we could see them more often!  That said, you can better understand how thrilled I was when it worked out to take pictures of our niece, SC, in honor of her Senior year!  She is an amazing individual who has much to offer this world…she is even more lovely on the inside than she is on the outside – which says a lot!  🙂  Here is a glimpse into what we captured during her time in front of the camera!  🙂

The D Family {sneak peek}

I was super excited when this family contacted me about taking their photos!  I know them personally and think their little guy is so adorable!  I have seen him wearing the hat in these pictures before and am glad his Mom decided to add it to his outfit choices for  their session.  (yes, I asked her to consider bringing it!)  🙂  Enjoy this sneak peek of the time I spent with them!