The L Family

It is not often that I schedule a session during the wonderful light we have in the morning, but this was a special occasion!  It was the day I hosted “mini sessions” this past Fall – a first for me.  (I am thankful to say it was a wonderful experience and I look forward to doing so again!)

When V called about scheduling a family session the only thing available was the day of the mini sessions.  Since that date worked for them, we decided to elongate a session time in order to accommodate what she desired to have captured during their time in front of the camera!

OMGoodess!  Despite the nip in the air, we had such a great time!  We stayed in one general area and worked our way from spot to spot!  Their two girls were simply adorable and while one readily smiled, the other was a little more reserved…she did lift the corners of her mouth for a few pictures though!  What a great family of four!  It was wonderful to spend time with each one of them and document this time in their life through photography!

PS – they brought along a furry friend who joined us for a few pictures too – such a sweetheart!

Toward the end of our time together, we took some pictures of Miss M wearing a special dress, a family heirloom!  I simply love things like that…

The N Family

The N Family session had been in the works for a while but everything came together as R and J were to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary!  In fact, if the schedule would have permitted, it would have been amazing to take their pictures on the day they married.  Since it did not, their session took place two weeks prior.  🙂

The more I get to know this family, the more I admire, enjoy, and appreciate them!  I am truly honored that they asked me to take pictures for them and am thoroughly pleased with the many images captured during their session.  In fact, there are so many pictures to share, I decided to blog about their session in various categories.  (Look in Couples and Kiddos to see more!)

BTW, several things happened during this session that were extra special!  One I knew about and assisted with (hehe), the other was a complete surprise to me, along with many others in the group.  As you scroll through these pictures you will see what I mean.  🙂

It all started when these two met, fell in love and married 35 years ago and eventually added three kiddos to their family.

Through time, their kids have expanded the family through marriage and grandkids!  I think R and J’s heart (and hands) are full and overflowing!

About this time, I was having everyone repeat something after me, one phrase after another, and “randomly” threw in, “Everybody say, ‘D is pregnant!'” On auto pilot, everyone said just that and then it began to sink in!  What a special time for all of them to celebrate the upcoming arrival of another family member!  (Obviously, this is the surprise I was able to help with!  :))

From the old farmstead with such cool structures we went by two of the family member’s houses where we took additional pictures of everyone! Love the work they have put into the landscape!

This one was of just “the guys”.

A Mom and her daughter…

As we were wrapping up with silhouette shots the second surprise of the evening occurred.  Not long after the shot below, I saw B crying and leaned in to ask if she was okay.  As the words left my mouth I saw a ring and knew exactly what was taking place.  I had to do some quick switching of the settings on my camera but managed to capture the following as it unfolded!  Again, what special time for this family!  I feel very honored to have been a part of both life altering announcements and am so glad they have pictures to document the memories made that day!

A HUGE congratulations to L and B!!!!!

To see more pictures of the couples and kids from this session, just visit that specific category!

The B Family

It was such a pleasure to work with the B Family!  We met through out kids playing Summer sports together – it was super fun to get to know them even better during their session!  We connected this past Fall and hit several places I love: downtown Haddam, an old farmstead, a hay field and a great place to catch the sunset!

As can happen in any family, some individuals were game to have pictures taken, others…well, not so much.  That was the case here, but I am thankful to say everyone rose to the occasion, responded positively, and provided some wonderful memories through pictures for their family!  I even heard later that everyone actually had a good time.  🙂

Here are some family pictures to start off with:

These two boys were a blast to have in front of the camera!  I loved watching their personalities emerge as we interacted – they whipped out the serious look, the silly face and true smiles during the course of their session.

Pulling aside just M and K for some pictures was a highlight!  It has been rare for them to have pictures taken together, so I enjoyed locking in some sweet memories for them!  🙂

 We did out best to capture some of the Fall color which had started appear.

(I am eating up this color since it is now winter and everything is stark and bare!)

We took a few shots of this handsome fellow in his football jersey and then had some fun with a random idea that had come to mind: playing with silly string!

As requested, we concluded this session with some silhouette pictures!  (Twist my arm to take them!  Goodness, I have a weak spot for sunset pictures – with people or without, both are amazing!)

Thanks for entrusting me with your pictures, B Family!!!

The K Family

When it comes to larger family sessions, I usually know some of the members involved but not all of them.  This is one thing I absolutely love about large family sessions – I get to meet the people I have heard stories about!  (selfish, I know!)  It is awesome to put a face with their names and get to know them personally!  That was exactly the case with the K family…I knew Mr. and Mrs. K but met their kids, in-laws and grandkids for the first time as we gathered for their session!

Thanks for contacting me, M, and asking me to capture these memories for each of you!  I loved every minute!

These two were great to work with…we caught a variety of them busy and at play.  🙂

This miniature tractor was awesome!  As you scroll down you will see it is a smaller version of their Grandpa’s!

As long as the family desires to do so, I really like to take pictures of the couples present…these three sets were super fun and had such great backdrops/lighting for their pictures!

I love the lighting in this barn and thought this picture of M turned out really nice.  We wrapped up our time together with a picture on their deck and a visit to the combine!  BTW, have you seen a common colored thread throughout these pictures?  Yep, it is their favorite!  🙂

The B Family

This session was talked about and prepared for prior to a date being set…we were waiting to see when everyone could make it into town so they would all be together.  (It can be so hard to coordinate a day and time that works well for a large group of people!)  When the day was decided upon we ran forward with our plans.  Unfortunately, two individuals were unable to make it at the last minute due to work schedule changes.  🙁

While we missed the two who were unable to be there, we still had a great time capturing pictures for this family as a whole and for the individual family units that have formed over time.  The kids were cracking me up, the babies were so sweet and cute, the adults were easy-going and fun to work with, the stories I heard along the way gave me some good laughs and the home place where we were taking pictures had so much to work with!  What a special time for their family!

It all started when these two met, feel in love, and said “I Do”.

These was never a dull moment as they added 5 children to their family!

As their kiddos married, Mr. and Mrs. B were excited about the in-laws and grandkids added to their family!

These kids were so much fun!  I loved the idea of putting the older boys in batman shirts and taking some pictures of just them!  Nothing brings out a pose from a boy like pretending to be a super hero!  🙂

 The littlest kiddos sure were sweet…

Back to some group pictures:

We packed a lot into our time together and I enjoyed every minute!

Thank you, B Family, for entrusting me with your memories!  🙂