The L Family

The L Family contacted me about taking their pictures during one of their trips to visit family in the area.  Between their schedule and mine, it worked well to do so over the Thanksgiving holiday.  After communicating through e-mails and by phone, it was great to meet this family of three face to face and work with them!  They were naturals in front of the camera, interacting casually and lovingly as I snapped away.  I loved documenting their love for each other and their adorable, little guy’s cuteness!

We started in an older part of their town, made our way past an historic hotel, enjoyed some time at the park and ended with a fun idea: Christmas Lights!  Be sure to scroll all the way through so you can see some fun expressions, a “high flying act”, Christmas lights and eventually an amazing sunset!

I also appreciated the Christmas Card the L Family sent me!  It was awesome to see one of the ways they used their pictures.  🙂  Thanks again for entrusting me with your memories, L Family!

On my drive home from this session I had a front row seat as the sun set.  The ripple of colors was so amazing that I stopped twice along the way to take some pictures.  I love seeing the artistry of God in such a dramatic way!  Simply astounding!


The B & G Family

This family found a special place in my heart as we planned for their session and as I got to know them during our time together!

We all know how hard it can be to find time to spend with extended family – especially when many miles separate us!  So, when a special event and the Thanksgiving holiday brought these brothers and their families together, I was honored to be able to take pictures for them!  The wind was pretty fierce the day of their session but we made it work because it was the only time we could take pictures!   They are such a great group of people and it was my privilege to work with them!

Since there were so many pictures from this session, I am going to split their pictures into various categories: family (this post), couples and kiddos. Be sure to check out the rest of their pictures in those sections.  🙂

The L Family

It sure was nice to meet and get to know the L Family in the process of preparing for and taking their pictures!  The day of their session, the weather was windy and overcast.  Since we were all game to make the session happen, we continued forward with our plans and I am so glad we did.  Although we had to work with the wind a little, things went well and their pictures turned out great! Their locations of choice were around their house and in a nearby field with a pond!  As we worked together, I loved snapping pictures of the kids interacting with each other.  What a fun group to work with!

Thank you, L Family, for entrusting me with your memories!

When we took the L Family’s silhouette pictures in the field, the sky was a striking blue with tons of clouds.  By the time we drove back to their house the sun had dropped below those clouds, producing terrific colors in the sky!  Even though we had already started to go different ways, I asked them if they would like to swing up by this pivot to snag another silhouette picture with all the color – thankfully, they didn’t mind!  I love the color, pivot and corn stalks which frame their family in this picture!  🙂


The K Family

Blogging about the K family brings so many things to mind!  How we first met, the things they have walked through, the incredible things God has done in their lives and the many things He is continuing to do…it is all amazing!  I consider it an honor to know them and to have taken family pictures for them!

Their location of choice was their farm – love that old barn!!!!  Despite the wind that day, we managed to capture some great photos for them!

Here are a few of the couple:

(Isn’t it awesome that they wanted to pull out the Harley and take some pictures with it?!)

Some random snapshots taken while in motion from one thing to the next:

The guys:

The girls:

Group pictures:

Thank you for asking me to take your pictures, K Family!  All my best to each one of you!

The S Family

When K first contacted me about scheduling a session, we ended up looking forward quite a ways since my schedule was pretty full.  We just hoped the weather would not be too cold and that there would still be some Fall color left to incorporate into their family pictures.  Thankfully, things came together without a problem!  We connected and spent most of our time in a small town.  The boys were a bundle of energy and I thoroughly enjoyed following them around, catching them in action amid taking family shots.  Don’t you just love the brother outfits their mom came up with? So fun!

These were captured in honor of L’s second birthday!  What a cutie!

The two people who started this family.  🙂

Their family as a whole…

This was such a great way to end their session – who doesn’t love playing in the leaves?

Thank you, S Family, for asking to me take pictures for your fun family!