The D Family

I was tickled pink when this family asked me about taking pictures for them.  You see, they hold a special place in my heart.  I knew A before she met and married her husband, our daughter was in their wedding and we routinely get to see them, watching how their family of two increased to three when their son came along.  And he is cutie, let me tell you!  His personality is so fun, engaging and sweet…makes me want to take him home and keep him!

We had a lovely day for their session and made the rounds to some spots in my area which still had a splash of Fall color, though it was toward the end of Fall.  While taking their family photos, we also took some pictures of their son, W, in honor of his first birthday.  You will find that set of pictures under “kiddos” or by scrolling down to the next blog entry.

D Family, thanks for asking me to take pictures for you!  I loved every minute!  🙂

The Z Family

Where does the time go?  Didn’t I “just” take pictures for this family?  Well, no…I guess it has been a few years.  🙂  Any time it works out to take pictures for a family with children, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly the kids grow and change!  I have found the three kids in this family to be super fun, easy to work with, and willing participants as directions are given – but they are growing up too fast!  As you will see, we had a great time together!

For their session they decided to stay around their home place – the house, barn and surrounding land had so much to offer!  I simply LOVED getting to work in and around the barn as well as down by the little spring they have on their property.  Such pretty spots!  I am also glad we found some Fall color to incorporate into their pictures despite being on the tail end of Fall!

Thanks, again, Z Family for asking me to lock in a few more memories for you!

Additional pictures of the kids and couple can also be found within those categories.  🙂

While the sun stayed behind the clouds when we took silhouette pictures, it did come out as I headed home.  What a fabulous sunset!  I couldn’t help but stop and take a picture!

The F Family

When B first contacted me about taking family pictures for them, we brainstormed on ideas for their session, attire, locations and dates.  It was exciting to watch everything come together as she prepared on her end and I did the same on mine.  B did a great job coordinating their attire and choosing when to wear each set.  I was excited about the locations we decided upon, especially being able to shoot at a “new” old barn.  🙂  I know, that sounds wrong doesn’t it?  I had been to this location before and really wanted to return to take pictures at some point.  Based upon the things B desired in her pictures, this location came to mind.  I was super excited that the family who owns it extended permission for us to take pictures around the barn and the nearby pond.  What a beautiful spot wrap up our time together!

I am posting the family pictures here but pictures of the kiddos and the parents as a couple can be seen over in those categories!

What a great crew!  I loved every minute of my time with them!


The N Family

I had fun planning and preparing with this family for their session!  🙂  I especially loved all the Fall color we had to work with.  In fact, they had such a vibrant tree in their front yard we decided to start right there and began snapping away.  Just down the street from their house were more colorful trees with an open lot in front of it, so we took advantage of that area too.  Then we made a stop at what became one of my personal favorite locations for Fall pictures this season before enjoying the beauty of the sunset as we caught some silhouettes.

This family’s three requests were to have family pictures with Fall colors, silhouette choices, and some pictures with hands making a heart…we caught all of that and more!  🙂  Enjoy seeing some highlights from their time in front of the camera!

Thanks for asking me to lock in these memories for you, N Family!  Also, J, thanks for joining us – your help with kids and coaxing smiles was greatly appreciated!   🙂

The A Family

I am loving the fact that, though it is winter right now and all is bare, cold and white today, I am taken back in time through these pictures.  All the Fall colors bring a deep sigh to my soul…I love Fall.  Just seeing the amazing display of God’s creativity through such a colorful setting with such a great family is refreshing!  🙂

I have had the privilege of photographing this family in the past and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to do so again!  It is especially fun for me to see how the kids are changing and to hear stories about things going on in their lives!  This Mom and Dad were also good sports as we came up with some fun pictures of them with their kiddos.

I am going to post their family photos in this entry, but couple and kiddo pictures will be found within those categories.  🙂

Loved getting to work with you again, A Family!  Thanks for entrusting me with your memories.

Be sure to check out more pictures from this session in Couples and Kiddos!