The C Family

I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun it was to photograph this couple and their little guy!  After weeks of sending e-mails back and forth, nailing down their session date, visiting by phone, thinking through locations, attire and props, and praying the weather would be pleasant, the time finally came to have them in front of the camera!

We met at their house and then made some stops through their small town (so much to work with there!) before we headed to a nearby public pond.

I really enjoyed getting to visit with them, learn about their lives and was amazed to discover our families had quite a few things in common.  🙂  I walked away from this session with a full heart…I love all that was captured for them through pictures, but I was especially touched by the obvious adoration these parents have for their son!

By the way, this little man’s Dad loves to hunt and is a volunteer firefighter for their area…you will see this represented in their pictures.

I love the honesty of children…do you think little C was growing tired of taking pictures?  🙂

It was confirmed with the following picture, Mr. C was done sitting here…

I remember the first time I looked through all the pictures from this session, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.  Their joy just made me smile.  Did you find yourself doing the same?  🙂

C Family, thanks again for asking me to take still photos of this sweet time in your lives!  Wishing the best to all three of you!

The T Family

This post is a continuation of Baby C’s entry…in addition to his newborn pictures, we also took these family photos.

Taking pictures around a family farm is so much fun – there are so many interesting things to work with, see, hear stories about, etc…I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had with this family.

Everyone was super patient as we switched between doing a few family photos and then a few newborn pictures, rotating back and forth according to how things were flowing!  I sure appreciated the flexibility demonstrated by all there.

Thanks, again, for asking me to take your pictures, T family!

I loved this Mustang they were trying to feed.  Beautiful!

This little girl’s expressions are adorable and the things she would say and do were so cute!  It was so much to take pictures of her!

The S Family!

I sure enjoyed the opportunity to photograph this family!  They were such a great group to work with and, believe it or not, we were at one location for the whole session!  I loved all the creativity expressed everywhere I looked and the variety we were able to get in their photos!  The weather was absolutely perfect that day – it could not have been better!  While enjoying the people, I also soaked in the rise and fall of the land where they live.  What great hills and valleys – so pretty!

Since this was a large family group I am going to break up the photos according to category.  So, you will find their family group photos here, but the individual and kiddo pictures will be posted within those categories.  🙂

We climbed over a fence and hiked up a hill to reach these next two spots:

S Family, thanks again for entrusting me to take some special pictures for your family!

Reminder: if you would like to see pictures of the kiddos or individuals from this session you can go to the blog entry behind this one or click over to those categories!

The L Family

The time has finally come…time to blog about my session with the L Family – Yea!!!  🙂

When I began talking to the L family by e-mail and then by phone, my excitement grew as I heard of the creative and unique locations they were interested in as options for their family photos!  (I love when it works out to shoot at sites which are special to the individuals in the pictures!!!!)  We set up a preview time and drove around together to check out the spots they were considering.  Although 4 locations is a lot to make happen during a normal session time, I couldn’t resist attempting to capture a few pictures at each stop they showed me!  They chose well!  🙂  Historical, remote, rustic, and unique – that is what you will see as you cruise through their photos!

So, let’s start with the historical!  A small town in our area is home to an old ice house and it happens to stand upon property owned by extended relatives of this family.  So, that was our first stop!

 We spent a brief amount of time at the old ice house and then moved on to a remote pasture.  Mr. L led us down to a creek that is one of the coolest I have seen in a long time!  You will notice the limestone rock along the bank, the lower area covered with moss – amazing!  The roots of the big tree were also super cool!  Although it was hot and muggy down along the creek (I was sweating buckets, believe me) it was worth every minute!

From the creek we walked along the treeline in the pasture, heading for a pond.  We saw cows along the way and stopped for an impromptu picture with them in the background.  (That had been an idea this family had tossed around as an option.  It worked out after all!)  Since it has been so dry in our “neck of the woods” it was kind of funny to run into this puddle of water, pretending it was the pond!  🙂  Although the true pond’s water was rather low, it was still a lovely spot for a few photos!

We made our way back to the truck and drove toward the rustic location I mentioned.  This place was ripe with possibilities but as the sun began to drop and (as you will see) the animals invaded our picture space, we ran out of time to exhaust all this location offered!  I loved the horses – so pretty and inquisitive – we rolled with their interest in what we were doing and then distracted them with….hmmm…what did we distract them with?  A blanket, maybe?  Anyway, we were also able to get some good family shots and some fun “fan” shots – can you tell what team they root for?  🙂

As I mentioned before, were were running low on daylight so we said farewell to the horses and headed to our last stop – the unique one.  🙂  Just check out those rocks to the right in the pictures below…pretty neat, right?!  I love the silhouette photos taken on them!  Stunning!

 And that, my friends, concludes the adventurous evening I spent with the L family!  🙂  I am honored that they asked me to take pictures for them.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each member of the family as we explored and hiked, drove from location to location, and pushed away the horses.  🙂  BTW, they also asked me to take their daughter’s Senior pictures…those will be coming up soon!  🙂

The S Family

When asked about capturing this family during a narrow window of time in which they would all be together I prayed a lot!  Not for the reasons you may think but simply because I REALLY wanted the weather to cooperate for them!  I know how hard it is to get everyone together and I did NOT want to see the weather hinder their opportunity to lock in some memories!  🙂  Although the weather did not deter this session, it was HOT and MUGGY!  Each person had such a great attitude…I don’t think you can tell everyone was hot in the pictures.  Yet, I am thankful it worked out to stay around their farmstead so there was quick access to the house, air conditioning and water!  🙂  Plus, I have always wanted to take pictures around their place – so many neat places with texture and character!

Here are a few of the group shots taken:

Then there were the varying group shots:

Individual Families:



Taken amid the flow of pictures: 

Driving from spot to spot while “helping” Aunt M with chores is a huge perk!

Speaking of driving…I was thrilled when an offer was extended at the end of our session for me to ride in this super cool car!  You probably noticed it in a few of the pictures you have already scrolled through.  T purchased this brand new and has had it ever since.  It is in great shape!  I am glad it worked out to get some pictures of him with it!

This is a favorite for the Grandkids!

In closing, let me share with you a picture of their dogs!  The brown one is the Mama and the white one is her daughter.

 Thanks again, S Family, for asking me to take picture for you!  I enjoyed every sweaty minute!  🙂