Little Miss B and Her Family

It is so cool how God works…I went to a conference and ended up sitting next to a neat individual with whom it was very easy to visit!  During the course of our conversation we discovered that we shared many similar things…we saw each other the next day, and have stayed in touch since.  🙂  A few months after the conference it worked out for me to take pictures of her youngest, B, who was turning two!  What a cutie she is – such adorable, big brown eyes!  In addition to taking pictures of B, my friend decided to bring the rest of her crew still at home and add them to a few pictures.  Her hope was to get a good shot of everyone to surprise her husband with for Father’s Day.  🙂  What a great idea!  Long story short, the surprise element was removed when her husband joined us for the evening but the bonus for us was that we got to meet him too!  🙂  Despite the wind that was whipping around that day, I love the pictures we captured in honor of B’s two year milestone and I really like the family pictures taken as well!  What an inspiring family that God has done and continues to do amazing things for and through!  So honored to know them!


S Family {sneak peek}

What a great time I had with this family last weekend!  It was hot and humid but they were troopers, enabling us to capture many great memories!  This sneak peek will seem like an actual blog post since there are so many pictures to choose from!  As always, it is hard for me to narrow down my choices…enjoy the results of my weakness!  🙂



The A Family Photos

What a privilege it was to spend time with the A family!  They had some fun spots picked out on their family property – a fence line, an old truck, a high point, ending with some pictures at the feed lot, where the cows were fed and munching away while we took a few shots with them in the background!  Anytime the kids got “too close for comfort” the cows would scoot away, leaving a dust cloud behind them!

As I left I couldn’t help but stop and take a quick picture of…well, you will see.  It is the last picture in this set.  🙂

Although there are a ton of photos from this fun, family shoot, I decided to break it up according to category.  So, for additional photos of the kids and couple you can find them in those specific sections here on the blog! 

Sunflower Session Surprise

As I mentioned in the Sunflower post a while back, we saw something rather unique during that session!

While were were busy taking photos along the sunflower field a few pieces of farm machinery went by on the road right next to us.  Each time they drove by it looked like a flock of birds would take flight for a while before landing in the trees again right across the road.  Well, the young lady and her daughter that I was working with declared that they were not birds but butterflies!  What?  Butterflies?  Sure enough, we went over to check them out and butterflies were covered the top branches of the trees!  Now, I have seen hatching’s of little yellow and white butterflies but never monarch (?) butterflies – if this was a hatching…maybe they were migrating.  (?)  I don’t know.  What I do know is that it was amazing to watch them fly around and to see them stationary in the trees.

So, below is my attempt to capture the butterflies high up in the tree with a mere 50mm lens, followed by a few more photos taken during the session.  🙂