Real Quick

Great locations, fun family and sweet smiles – just a little of what was experienced during the A. family session yesterday evening!  I had such a great time with this family…so many wonderful photos to choose from…I couldn’t’ resist posting just one for now.  More to come soon!  Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Sunflower Session {sneak peek}

Here is a sneak peek of some images captured the other day in the lovely sunflower field mentioned in my last post!  The weather was perfect, A and S looked lovely, the sunflowers were “just right” and we had a great time together!  When I add some more photos from this session I will also show you something you do not see every day, we just happened to be “at the right place at that right time” – it was very cool.  🙂  Have a great week everyone!

The A Family

A while back I spent a chunk of time with this sweet family!  Our time together revolved around something else but we took a few moments and set up for a family photo – since they were all together it was the perfect time to capture a group photo!  (Those of you with adult kiddos can understand how hard it is gather everyone at one time!)  I love their interaction in these pictures and am honored to call each of them friends!  By the way, I just took engagement photos for one of the individuals in these photos…more on that later.  🙂

Vibrant Sunset

I just happened to have my camera with me while out walking at the Lake with some relatives.  We quickly snapped a few silhouette shots of their family and caught one of just two of the kids.  I am thankful all that worked out – God’s sunsets are just amazing – no two are the same!

Family – Adult Siblings

After hearing from this group I was pretty excited about taking their pictures!  I loved their idea – they wanted a nice group photo to give to their parent’s for Christmas.  Not only did we have a great time but the location they chose had so much to offer.  (Yes, except for the silhouettes, all these photos were taken in one area!)  Each person was so fun to work with and cheerfully hung in there despite the chill in the air!  I was told that their Mom was handed a box of Kleenex to open for Christmas before she opened their enlarged, matted and framed group photo.  She liked their gift so much she needed to use some of the kleenex right away!  Thanks again for such a fun and memorable time of shooting pictures.  Each of you were awesome!  Check out Couples and Individuals for additional pictures from this session.