There were several small details that had to come together in order for this session to take place and I am thankful they did! A. and I had a good, relaxing time together. When these pictures were taken, A. was due within 5 days! Doesn’t she look great for being that close to delivery?!? She and her husband waited until this baby entered the world to find out if God was adding a boy or girl to their family – they only had to wait 4 days past this photo session! Although I have already met this little once face to face and held _____ in my arms, I will let you see for yourself whether their family was blessed with a boy or girl when I post their newborn photos. 🙂
Category: Expecting
#3 is on the way!
I consider it an honor to have photographed my sister’s third pregnancy! She was in town visiting and it just “worked out” to snap a few photos here and there while we were out and about. She looked great and was a trooper when N.P.entered this world and joined the family! She is an awesome Mom and all three of her little boys are wonderful, if I do say so myself. 🙂