A – She Turned One!

In keeping with my desire to catch up on blogging…This past Winter the snow was falling hard and fast the day of A’s session.  I was unsure that her parents would be able to make it out our way.  Yet, they blazed a trail in the fresh snow and made it happen!  The snow actually made for some super cute family shots at the end of our time together!!!

It was hard to believe almost a year had gone by since I last had this young lady in front of the camera for her newborn pictures!  It is always SO NEAT to see how little ones grow and change over time!  Her dark eyes, expressive features and engaging personality really drew me in.  She is such a sweetheart!  I loved how her parents wanted to incorporate the board they had used in her newborn pictures, a Christmas flare since she was born in December, and a Mini Mouse theme since A really enjoys her at this stage of life!  Here is a look at some of her fun pictures!

The D Family

I realize it has been a while since I have blogged…been busy with a myriad of things.  Yet, I have this refreshed desire to make time to blog even though the days continue to be full and fast paced.  So, here is a family from this past Fall:

It was a brisk November day that the D family and I got together.  In fact, it was so brisk and WINDY that we had to go to plan “B” and find a place that buffered us from the wind – I am so thankful this location came to mind.  It blocked the wind and still gave the Fall feel they desired!  Let me tell you, each one of these family members were troopers and smiled away as the camera was clicking.  I give them huge props for that because I don’t think you can tell from their pictures that they were freezing!  We snapped all of these picture in about 30 minutes and immediately went to my house where we warmed up with some hot chocolate!  Loved that extra visit time with them!  🙂

By the way, don’t you just love how C pulled their colors together?  All of their outfits look awesome!

We took some quick headshots of the girls before they needed to wrap up in some quilts to warm up a bit!  I really like how the wrapped up pictures turned out too.  🙂

It was fun that their dad hopped in for a quick picture or two with his daughters before we took some of their little guy all on his own.  Isn’t he a cutie?!?

After these pictures we were all dashing to the vehicles and wanting to warm up!  Nothing sounded better than a warm house and hot chocolate.  It was fun to wrap up our time together visiting over steaming hot mug of chocolate liquid in a warm environment!

Thanks, D Family, for hanging in there and for asking me to take pictures for you all!

The Adroable A Kiddos (from the A Family session)

It was a blast to work with this crew of kiddos!  Each one of them did so well as they bounced in and out of pictures, played when they could, tried to stay clean in white while at the farm, broke out great smiles here and there, and had fun proudly showing me their “work area”.

This is where the kids spend quite a bit of time “working” when they come to the farm.  🙂  Oh the memories they are going to talk about one day!

Fall Mini: The C Kiddos

It was a pleasure to meet and work with this group of siblings!  A special thanks to their mom for making the hike my way and letting me have some fun with them for a while.  🙂  From the oldest to the youngest, they were super sweet and easy-going as we worked our way along a walkable route chosen for their time in front of the camera!  We took a few extra shots of the youngest, Miss A, in honor of her first year of life!  What a cutie!