The H Family

After playing some phone tag I was able to visit with the H family, hear what they desired in their pictures and check into some options for them!  Between their involvement with cattle, liking old barns and being drawn to large wagon wheels, a friends location came to mind.  Thankfully, the D Family was willing to let us come out to their place to capture these shots – thank you!  🙂

I had such a great time getting to know these four as we rotated areas around the D Family Farm.  Their kiddos were full of personality and cooperated so well – loved having them in front of my camera!  I was also super neat to discover a history and love of photography within this family…it is always fun to talk pictures, equipment and share experiences!

Here is a look at what we caught during our time together:

When the H Family mentioned liking barns a specific one came to mind that I have always wanted to include in pictures.  After making a few phone calls, the L Family granted permission (thank you!) to stop by this location and snap these images.  🙂

H Family, it was wonderful to meet and spend time with each one of you!  I sure hope you enjoy your pictures for years to come!

N is 3!

Meet Miss N!  Isn’t she the cutest?!?  I cannot get over her curls!  Definitely reminds me of Shirley Temple and left me wanting to go home and watch The Little Princess!  🙂

N’s Mom thought it would be fun to capture some pictures of N in her backyard, where she plays and spends quite a bit of time.  So, we set up some spots around their yard (which was super spacious and had a LOT to work with) and began to play with N!  Talk about fun!  We caught some sweet shots of her.

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!!!

N spends quite a bit of time with her dog, so it was very fitting to take some pictures of them together!  I think it is awesome that N’s parents are teaching her how to work with their family pet…N could tell her to sit and be gentle when taking the treat!

The last pictures of N with her dog makes me think the can is empty and N is looking into the very bottom to make sure there are not any crumbs left while her dog is super disappointed nothing more is coming her way!  🙂

We took a quick walk and came across these mushrooms…wait, another treat?  On the mushroom?  🙂

N and her Mom.

A few last shots to wrap up her session:

I sure enjoyed working with N and her Mom…thanks, you two, for such a fun session!

C turned 4!

After spending time with this little guy and his brothers over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was reminded that I had not blogged about the session we did in honor of his birthday a while back!  C is one of our nephews and it “just so happened” that we were able to celebrate his 4th birthday with him – so much fun!  We also carved out some time to take pictures together…I think he might have been more excited about our time together than I was.  (Hard to believe, I know!)  He did so well and we caught some super sweet pictures of him!  We love him to pieces!!

And that was a wrap!  Charging on into his 4th year, sucker making the entrance a little sweeter.  🙂

The H Family

It has been super neat to be a small part of this family’s life and to watch events unfold for them over time! All three of them have a special place in my heart and I am honored that they wanted me to take pictures of them as a family, documenting this special time in their lives!  Isn’t their daughter the cutest?!  What a sweetheart she is!  We connected and worked our way around a small town and the countryside, capturing some fun and sweet memories!

All my best to each one of you!  🙂