The S Family

When K first contacted me about scheduling a session, we ended up looking forward quite a ways since my schedule was pretty full.  We just hoped the weather would not be too cold and that there would still be some Fall color left to incorporate into their family pictures.  Thankfully, things came together without a problem!  We connected and spent most of our time in a small town.  The boys were a bundle of energy and I thoroughly enjoyed following them around, catching them in action amid taking family shots.  Don’t you just love the brother outfits their mom came up with? So fun!

These were captured in honor of L’s second birthday!  What a cutie!

The two people who started this family.  🙂

Their family as a whole…

This was such a great way to end their session – who doesn’t love playing in the leaves?

Thank you, S Family, for asking to me take pictures for your fun family!


W – 1 Year Old!

Let me introduce you to W…he is a very happy, little guy and is such a blessing to his family!  I love seeing him across the way at church on Sunday mornings…clapping his hands, smiling at family, looking serious as he studies something – what a cutie!  The following pictures were taken (during a family session) in honor of his first year of life!  So glad his parent’s asked me to document this precious window in time for them!  🙂

The Z Kiddos {from the Z Family session}

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with these three in the past and was excited about doing so again!  It was awesome to catch up with them and hear what was going on in their lives – such fun people.  Makes me wonder what the future holds for them – great things, I am sure.  🙂  As we moved from one spot to another around their home, barns and property taking family pictures, we would occasionally stop to snag some individual pictures.  Here are some of the kids taken during that time.  🙂  Love their smiles and the Fall colors!

The F Kiddos {from the F Family session}

These three were such troopers as we moved from location to location, changing clothes and setting them up here and there!  It took a while for the youngest to warm up to having a camera around him but we managed to get a few of him smiling.  🙂  The older two were so easy to work with, they smiled readily and threw in a few poses of their own along the way.  All of these shots were taken amid taking pictures of them with their Mom and Dad…such cuties!  Enjoy seeing their happy faces and striking eyes!

A Kiddos {from the A Family Session}

I had such a great time with these three kiddos!  As I mentioned in their family session intro, I have had the privilege of photographing them before and was honored to do so again.  I especially loved getting to see how much each of them have changed and hearing stories of what they have been up to as of late.  While some kids take a while to warm up, others just jump right in and visit easily.  Both aspects were represented within this threesome…how individual are personalities!  🙂  All of these photos were taken as we roamed from one spot to another during their family session.