W – Wheat Senior Pictures

It sure was great to have this guy in front of my camera!

We had W’s session planned for a day that ended up with predicted rainfall…I am super thankful both of our schedules permitted a last minute change so we could make these picture happen before the rain arrived!

Loved this shot with the setting sun!

I am already looking forward to his next session which will include some of his favorite, four-legged friends!  🙂

M – Senior 2017 – Fall Color

I had such a great time with M and her family the other day as we captured some pictures for her with Fall color!

The day could not have been more lovely!

It was also fun to have her horse in so many of the pictures, commemorating the many years of doing rodeos together!  Huge props to M’s family for all their help with the horse, trailer, tack and such!

 It was a bonus to wrap up with such an amazing sunset!

I was also able to connect with M and her family the following evening to capture more pictures of her!  Talk about fun!!!  Once again, the weather was amazing, the colors vibrant, and M was stunning as we kicked around the Haddam, KS area.

M, I hope you enjoy this glimpse into what we caught during your latest session!

I can’t wait for you to see the rest of your pictures in the near future!  🙂

A – 2016 Graduate

I have loved working with this young lady and her family!!

Her Dad has chosen some of the coolest spots ever in which to take pictures of his girls in honor of their Senior year!

(I was able to take A’s sister’s pictures a few years ago!!!)

For A’s Summer session we started out at an old farmstead which had some neat outbuildings and a big barn – which I LOVED!

Such a great place to capture A!

We made a stop by a wheat field and had a little fun as well!

Now our next location was a first for me…a flowered out field of turnips!  It was very pretty and wispy!

We were also blessed with an amazing sunset as we wrapped up A’s Summer session!

Now for her Fall session:

Believe it or not, all the pictures you are about to see were taken at one location – we just roamed from one spot to another!

Don’t you just love how the pond reflects the Fall color?!

This cool, old, wooden train car made the perfect backdrop for some pictures!

It was also a great place to display some of A’s activities of interest through the years!

Her Dad added his special touch as well, personalizing it in a unique way!

So many unique spots at which to stop!

We concluded A’s session be returning to the pond and taking some fun pictures in the water!  It might have been chilly, but I think she is glad she braved the cold and splashed around!  🙂  L Family, thank you for entrusting me with your memories!  It was a privilege to capture these special pictures for you all!

C – 2016 Grad

I still have a few 2015 graduate sessions to share in my attempt to update my blog, but Graduation for this year’s Seniors is just around the corner!  I thought I would switch gears and focus on them since they are working hard to wrap up their last year of High School!

Up first is C!  Isn’t she lovely?

When she contacted me about her session, she had a lot of great ideas she was interested in capturing!  What you will see below is a mixture of our combined thoughts, props, and ideas!  Her session took place within the Haddam, KS area!

We had such a fun time together!  The weather was perfect and the lighting was beautiful!

A special picture with a picture.  🙂

A quick stop for some shots in the creek was so worth it – mud and all!

This girl has many interests, but she loved the idea of softball pictures in one of her favorite formals!  I really like how these pictures (and many more like them) turned out for her!

As cute as C is when she smiles, she also rocked the serious look!

There are too many favs with the flag to post…here are just a few!

We wrapped up her session with a few hat shots.

And because sometimes an item is held dear, it is added into the pictures as well!

Wishing you all the best as you live each day, walking steadily toward your future, C!

Z – 2015 Graduate

Here is another Senior post as I endeavor to update my blog with sessions…working my way up to this year’s graduates!

Meet Z.  I had the privilege of taking both Summer and Fall pictures in honor of his Senior year!

It was super fun to add so many different lines and textures to Z’s background: limestone, wood, metal, chain link, fence posts, grain bins, trucks, etc…highlighting him and his enjoyment of the outdoors!

Then, as we met for his Fall session, we added a few more pictures to commemorate his years of playing football.

Goodness, don’t you just love his smile and dimple?!

 What a good sport this guy was with all my ideas and thoughts!  I sure hope excelled during his first year of college!!!