After a whirlwind Fall and busy holiday season I am happy to say I am finally going to have time to blog about all the sessions from which you have only seen sneak peeks! I am looking forward to going back through all the pictures taken from this past Summer on and sharing about them. In fact, today it is so bitterly cold outside that it is refreshing to go back in time and be reminded of how warm it was the day we took K’s pictures in the wheat!
Yes, K specifically wanted some pictures wearing her FFA jacket in a wheat field right before it was harvested! So, we timed her session accordingly and caught some pictures like this:
K and I talked before her session and decided it would be a shame not to have pictures in a second outfit since we were right there in the wheat…so she brought along this little dress and we captured some more sweet pictures of her. Don’t you just love the dreamy haze when looking into the sun?!?
We wrapped up this quick session with a stop by some fence posts and a sunset shot or two!
A special thanks for K’s grandparents for letting us tromp down the wheat in an area of their field and for letting us roam around the fence line to take pictures! 🙂
Although that wrapped up the wheat session with K, we were both looking forward to her Fall session, which seemed to come VERY quickly for both of us! The following pictures were taken around a special place where her family spends a lot of time. LOVED working there and getting to spend time with K again!
I love how K wanted to get into the water and take some fun pictures at the end of her Fall session! What a neat person she is! I know great things are in store for her future! All my best to you as you graduate and move on to the next phase of life, K!!! Thanks again for entrusting me with your Senior Year memories!