If you happen to follow my blog you probably recognize this young lady’s face. 🙂 I had the privilege of taking pictures for her whole family before we met to document her Senior year. Her parents put a lot of thought into where they wanted to do family pictures (they chose some amazing places) and we had a great adventure that day! The same thought and personalization went into their choices for S’s Senior pictures too! We even extended her session time in order to make it to all their location choices – so worth it!
I must add a huge shout out to S’s dad. He cleared paths to the chosen spots, held a ladder, moved a tree out of the road (a road not often used), and gave me pause with his snake and poison ivy comments – ornery fellow! Sure appreciated all his help though. S’s mom and sister were also a huge help with wardrobe changes and thoughtful assistance along the way! Thanks to each one of you!
Check out where we started – a sandstone wall running along a creek! Don’t you just love how they carved out her name in the stone?!?
Just down the creek there was another huge rock wall, you can see it behind S in the picture below. There was a really neat rock ledge where S could perch for some pictures and a super cool tree to work with!
Near the creek were hay bales, an alfalfa field and remnants of an old corral – all great spots for pictures!
At our next location we took a few minutes to capture a bit of S’s High School activities:
We wrapped up by simply moving around this old farmstead and finding fun spots to take pictures – I was in heaven! 🙂
This little series of pictures is rather fun to me! Me, “Why don’t you walk slowly toward that flower and then bend down and pick it.” S did a great job, but when she went to pick the flower it did not want to be picked! 🙂 Her sister kindly brought over a flower she had wrestled off a plant behind us so S could hold it for the picture. 🙂
Wishing this young lady all the best as her future continues to unfold!