When C’s Mom contacted me about taking his newborn pictures I was super excited! She had some wonderful ideas and I looked forward to seeing how we could bring her ideas to fruition! A BIG key was the weather…a newborn outside? You need warm weather, especially if you are going to do anything without clothes! Although our day ended up being breezy, it was warm and for that we were all super thankful.
The location chosen for this session was the family farm…I was in heaven! A newborn AND so much to work with around the farm – ahhhh! In addition to taking C’s newborn pictures, extended family photos were also desired. It was a lot to work into our time together but we made it happen! Although I will do a separate post for the family pictures, you will see some of them with little C in this set. Isn’t it wonderful that he has entered this world surrounded by people who love him and want to be a part of his life? What a blessed little boy!
His little boots are so cute!!!!
These were taken with a family football – love the sentimental value of such things! 🙂
This picture makes me laugh and think it is how C felt about taking the pictures you are about to see:
He did not care for going without his clothes! It took some creativity and working quickly to capture the shots with the saddle! (but doesn’t he look so cute laying there?!?)
We were able to snag one more shot before he was completely done with not wearing clothes…but just “barely”.
Here are some pictures of C with his family. There is something sweet about seeing C with his older sister…what great friends they are going to be as they grow up together!
C was such a trooper through all we asked of him – he was amazing actually! I am so honored his parent’s wanted me to take his pictures!
I look forward to posting the additional family aspect of this session soon. 🙂