Challenged By A Daisy

Over the past few days I have watched the daisy flowers (and the buds yet to bloom) in one of our flower beds do something I have found very interesting.  I have noticed that as the sun has risen the little blooms would all be facing toward the East.  Then, as the sun would set the flowers would all be facing toward the West.  I found that to be so neat that I tried to capture it on “film”.  I chose to focus on just one flower so the direction it was facing would be completely obvious with each picture.  I am challenged by the natural way this flower bends toward the sun!  May I be drawn to Jesus, the Light of the World and the Son of God, the way this flower is drawn to it’s natural light source for life – the sun!  undefinedundefined 

2 thoughts on “Challenged By A Daisy”

  1. I’ve seen fields of sunflowers do this, but hadn’t noticed daisies! I’ll have to watch and see if mine do – once they have buds/flowers.

    1. I thought sunflowers did the same thing but I have also seen fields that did not turn their heads and started to question whether or not I was right about that. Yet, I have watched the daisies do it again and again, so I know they do! You should keep and eye on yours! 🙂

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