A Little Bit of Warmth

After the cold weather we have had I thought it would be fun to remind us all of the warmth that comes with Summer through this set of photos.  🙂

A friend of mine approached me about an idea she had.  She thought it would be fun to surprise her husband with some photos of their crops and pivots, wondering if I did that kind of thing.  Since I love taking pictures of God’s creation, scenic or “made in His image”, I said I would love to do this for her!

She explained what she was thinking and we later drove around together so she could show me various fields and where they were located.

The timing was tricky since (ideally) she desired the corn to be tasseled out, the pivots to be on (giant sprinklers for those who do not farm), and then there was the lighting/weather to work with.  Now, those pivots had to be timed just right!  They needed to be close to the road but they do not come on every day.  When they are on the pivots move rather slowly.  Catching them on AND close to the road WHEN the lighting was good was a challenge, but I am thankful to say it all came together and she was able to give her husband several large prints for Christmas this year – and he was very pleased!  🙂  As a memory, my kids and I laugh about the time I stood up on top of the car in order to see above the corn and capture these images.  🙂

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