A while back I mentioned posting about an unique experience we had with some alpacas. See, we have friends that raise alpacas, compete in shows with them, and lovingly care of their animals.
How can we NOT want to go see them from time to time – especially the new additions?! Like all animals “they are so cute when they are little!”
Well, we had scheduled a visit around the time a baby alpaca was due to arrive. Unfortunately, Mama Alpaca did not seem too concerned about having her baby the day we were there. That was okay, we were just thrilled to see all the others, pet them, lead the younger ones around, and spend time catching up with our friends. We had just left their place and were in the car driving to the first intersection from their Alpaca Farm when my cell phone rang. While at the stop sign I learned that the Mama Alpaca was having her baby “right now”!
So, we simply turned around and went to observe the process. What a neat experience for us…it took a while, but little Mercury finally arrived safe and sound!
His long legs looked so hard to stand upon and figure out, but he managed!
Next came attempts at nursing – a taste of his Mom’s milk really got things going.
It is a lot of work entering this world and having so many things to do! It was definitely time for a rest!
Before long he was up and around again, checking things out, meeting the other alpacas,
and wondering about this small human.
She did not mind his curiosity one bit. 🙂
What a privilege it was to be there for Mercury’s birth! We are so glad it all worked out.
Should you ever desire to see some alpacas, learn more about them or purchase one for your place, check out Anvil Alpacas in Kansas. I know Ray and Brenda Danielson would be happy to assist you. They like visitors and are always happy to talk about alpacas! You can check out their website at www.AlpacaNation.com/anvilalpacas.asp
Wow! How cool that the timing worked out for you. 🙂 Mercury sure is a cutie.