Two Girls in a Field of Daisies

A few years ago I was taking some back roads to my destination and stumbled across beautiful fields of Daisies.  I remember thinking, “I have GOT to come back here and take pictures in those flowers!”  That was TWO years ago this Spring.  So, this year, I was determined to get back to that area and find those flowers!!!  Despite the wind that day, I am thankful all the details worked out and my desire came to pass!  YEA!  Not only did I get awesome shots of my own kids in the sea of white, I also had the privilege of capturing pictures for two lovely, young ladies!  So, without further delay, here are some of the pictures from our time around the wild, white Daisies!

In addition to spending most of our time in the Daisies, we stopped at a super cool church that was on our route, took some pictures on a road nearby and found a great spot for some silhouette shots – I have such a weak spot for silhouettes!  🙂  What a fun shoot!

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