She Turned 2

It was an honor to take pictures for A and her Mother – the two of them are quite a team!  They have been through a great deal together and it is only making them stronger.  So, in addition to locking in A’s 2 year milestone, we snagged quite a few of the two of them together!  Each one of us should be grateful for the days we have together for we are not guarenteed tomorrow!

I don’t usually play a lot with actions but decided to do so with these few pictures.  I thought it added a rather timeless feel.

2 year olds are on the move constantly!  🙂

 The material for this dress came from a formal A’s Mom once wore.  A’s Grandmother worked wonders and created this little dress for her to wear.  It turned out so cute!

 We ended with a visit to see the baby goats nearby…I think she liked them.  🙂

All my best to these two, wonderful individuals!

4 thoughts on “She Turned 2”

  1. Thanks Shellie for capturing both of us in this special time in our lives. You are such a wonderful person through and through. And we are so fortunate to have you as a friend! What I love most about these pictures is that they capture who we are as people. I’m so in love with my daughter! She is so amazing to me! She is beautiful inside and out. And these pictures will forever be special to the both of us! We can’t possibly thank you enough!

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