It has been a while since I have taken the time to post some pictures of random beauty and uniqueness. Although I do not have time to tell the story or thought behind all the photos taken I did include some details on a few toward the end. 🙂
Have a great day, Everyone!
My husband was kindly teasing me not too long ago about how many sunSET pictures I take but how he rarely ever sees a sunRISE photo. He was implying I am never up early enough to see the sunrise. HaHa! He knows that is NOT true, but it did challenge me to go outside and catch the beauty of a sunrise. The challenge comes from the fact that we have trees blocking our view to the East and I have get creative when trying to capture the sunrise (easily and quickly) from our house! Here is what I grabbed the camera for just the other day:
I just love that blue sky and those white clouds!
The photo below reminds me of how God owns the cattle on a thousand hills…
“For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle up a thousand hills.” Psalm 50:10
May each of us find comfort in Him (God) who holds all within his care!