C – Senior 2013

When I work with Seniors, often their parents are involved one way or another.  I love that!  I love the memories they make together preparing and planning for the senior session along with the laughs that occur while I am there.  🙂  Life is short, time moves forward and a senior year flies by…all too soon that senior is off to the next thing in life.  Finding a way to treasure the moments given is a challenge to all parents, no matter the age of the children.  Even more so as you look at graduation and what that means for your son or daughter.

That said, I loved the locations and attire C and his Mom chose.  In fact, the locations they decided upon offered so much that we were not able to make it to all of them!  From shots with C’s truck, to those with his ATV and “The Station”, could you guess his interests and bents?  🙂  I loved being able to capture him amid things he enjoys!

All the best to you, C, as you enjoy the remainder of your senior year and anticipate all the future holds!


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