The A Family

I am loving the fact that, though it is winter right now and all is bare, cold and white today, I am taken back in time through these pictures.  All the Fall colors bring a deep sigh to my soul…I love Fall.  Just seeing the amazing display of God’s creativity through such a colorful setting with such a great family is refreshing!  🙂

I have had the privilege of photographing this family in the past and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to do so again!  It is especially fun for me to see how the kids are changing and to hear stories about things going on in their lives!  This Mom and Dad were also good sports as we came up with some fun pictures of them with their kiddos.

I am going to post their family photos in this entry, but couple and kiddo pictures will be found within those categories.  🙂

Loved getting to work with you again, A Family!  Thanks for entrusting me with your memories.

Be sure to check out more pictures from this session in Couples and Kiddos!

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