The N Family

I had fun planning and preparing with this family for their session!  🙂  I especially loved all the Fall color we had to work with.  In fact, they had such a vibrant tree in their front yard we decided to start right there and began snapping away.  Just down the street from their house were more colorful trees with an open lot in front of it, so we took advantage of that area too.  Then we made a stop at what became one of my personal favorite locations for Fall pictures this season before enjoying the beauty of the sunset as we caught some silhouettes.

This family’s three requests were to have family pictures with Fall colors, silhouette choices, and some pictures with hands making a heart…we caught all of that and more!  🙂  Enjoy seeing some highlights from their time in front of the camera!

Thanks for asking me to lock in these memories for you, N Family!  Also, J, thanks for joining us – your help with kids and coaxing smiles was greatly appreciated!   🙂

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